Chapter 11

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Song: You Found Me by The Fray

Hanna's POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm, signaling me to wake up. I groaned and got out of bed.

It's been a few days after Chelsea's slumber party, as well as Xander admitting to me that he likes Brie.

I really like Xander for Brie. I mean c'mon he's nice, a total gentleman and I know that he won't hurt Brie.

After taking a bath and doing my make-up, Chelsea knocked on my door.

"Hey Han. Someone's downstairs waiting for you." She told me.


"A guy named Xander. Hey is he your boyfriend?" She asked me

"No! He so not is!! He's just a friend." I told her.

She raised her eyebrows signaling me that there is more to the story.

I sighed. "Promise me you won't tell anyone."

She nodded.

"Xander likes Brie. Like LIKES her." I told her.

"Really? No waaay!!!" She shrieked. "Oh my God!!! Is he coming to Zoey's gala?"

"Yes he is coming."


"Chels! Calm down!!! Promise me you won't tell Brie about this?"

She nodded

"Okay. Can we go down now?"


We quickly went downstairs to be greeted by Xander.

"Hey Han." He greeted me.

"Hey. By the way is Chelsea my older sister."

"Hi." Chelsea said smiling.

"Hey. Nice meeting you." He told her.

"So let's go?" I asked him.

He nodded and we said goodbye to Chelsea.

Then suddenly she shouted "Goodluck with Brie!!"

Xander looked at me confused.


"Uhh. I kinda told her that you like Brie. But I made her promise not to tell Brie and I am 100% sure she won't tell." I told him.


"What she is my sister. I can't lie to her!"

"True true."

So we were on our way to Brie's house when suddenly I remembered.

"You are going to the gala tomorrow right?"

"Yeah. Why?" He asked me.

"Oh nothing. I just remembered that it is a Masquerade Gala. So remember wear a mask!!!" I told him.

"I won't!"

When we reached Brie's mansion, Maria greeted us. "Good Morning Hanna, Xander."

"Morning" We said at the same time.

Maria got used to seeing Xander here every morning so she's not really surprised why Xander is with me.

"Brianna is almost done. You can head to the dining hall." She told us.

We went to the dining hall and took our seats and waited for Brie to arrive.

"Hey Morning guys!" Brie said.

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