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"John hurry up we've got a case" (Y/N) said "Hold on, you both are just bloody impatient" John said grabbing his coat "Right lets go" Sherlock said as they got into the police car Lestrade sent for them.

They arrived five mintues later, the crime scene was in the middle of a farm, "Hey you lot back again?" Donovan said "You know we don't like you here" "Oh, shut up Donovan" (Y/N) said. "Your here, thank god." Lestrade said "Where's Anderson?" John asked "He's in that police car, he, erm. He couldn't handle the smell and sort of passed out." Lestrade replied. "It's that bad?" Sherlock said "Yep" Lestrade said showing them to the corpses.

There was three sheep, four horses, two pigs and one man all laying dead on the ground, blood was spilled from all sorts of places John was the first to notice the smell "I can see why Anderson couldn't handle it" John said "It's the weirdest case I've ever seen" Lestrade said "Sherlock have you got anything?" "Yes I have, It's clearly been a slaughter but not for the meat for something else not sure what yet, but a small knife was used to kill everyone, this is murder. I'm not sure how, or who yet give me time" Sherlock said "but we're going to get going as either me, (Y/N), John or you Lestrade, are going to pass out from the smell and well we'd rather not end up like Anderson." After Sherlock made his deduction john had left the crime scene before them "Where's John?" (Y/N) asked "I sent him to check Anderson, we might need him on another case at somepoint and I don't want him to be ill" Lestrade said as they all walked away from the corpses.

They all went back to the flat while Lestrade did more investagating, "There's a pattern they all count up 1 man, 2 pigs, 3 sheep and 4 horses, but why?" (Y/N) said "I don't know, the animals where killed but not for their meat for something else and the man was killed for that same something I suppose" Sherlock said. Days went by Sherlock and (Y/N) didn't stop and didn't sleep since they were given the case. Mycroft came to visit and told them they would have to sleep at some point during the case but the ignored his advice. John did the same and Mary but neither of them listened.

This particular day while John and Mary was visiting 221B, Lestrade came with some evidence "Anderson found this before he passed out it was tied onto one of the pigs" he said handing the bag over to (Y/N). In the bag was a small tag Sherlock and (Y/N) read it at the same time, it read...

"Miss Me?"

They froze the moment they read it, Mary noticed the colour drained from their faces in disbelief "Sherlock (Y/N) are you okay?" "Yeah, I'm fine" Sherlock said, he looked over at (Y/N), "(Y/N), are you okay," he asked "Yeah.. um.... I'm fine" (Y/N) replied "What's going on?" Lestrade asked 'He's back" Sherlock said "I don't know how, this is him" "Who's Him? Mary said "Moriarty, this was all a set up to get our attention" (Y/N) said. "Moriarty, he died" Mary said "He blew his own brains out" John said. "How does this work, how is he still alive, I going to put everyone on high alert" Lestrade said before leaving. "You both have not slept for two days, just to solve this case, you need to sleep" Mary said "we can't now Moriarty's back we can't sleep now" Sherlock said. The Tv suddenly turned on with a picture of Moriarty with "Miss me?" written on the side, "He's dead this can't be happpening" John said "He blew his own brains out how is this possible" Mary said.

(Y/N)'s phone began to ring "It's Lestrade" She said. "There's been another slaughter and Moriarty is on every screen in the country come quick, there's a police car waiting outside" Lestrade said. "Sherlock, there's been another one come on lets go" (Y/N) said as they grabbed their coats and headed for the door. "That's two, how can he be doing this?" John said.

When they arrived at the scene it was another farm, "This time it 5 dogs, 6 chickens, 7 cows and 1 women" Lestrade said as he walked them over to the corpses "Where's Donovan?" (Y/N) asked "She's in that police car over there she could handle the shock of it she passed out on top of Anderson, she's a dog lover" Lestrade said "Is this one worse than the other?" John asked "Yes it is I'm afraid" Lestrade said "But Anderson is on duty." Sherlock went straight up to the boddies with John while (Y/N) went to Anderson even though she was Sherlock's girlfriend she could work with him and he could work with her. "I found this on one of the dogs" Anderson said handing her the bag it was the dogs collar the name Jim was on the front of it, when she turned it around it said "Miss me?"

John went over to Lestrade when Mary arrived "gosh I didn't think it would be this bad" Mary said "Mary what are you doing here?" Lestrade asked "I came because Mycroft rang to say Moriarty is branching out again and we all need to be on high alert and I have a question for you, why is (Y/N) over there with Anderson?" Mary asked "He will only work with her" Sherlock said. No one was paying attention to John, Lestrade noticed John had passed out during the convasation "Mary you husband has just passed out I think you want to check him over" Sherlock said just before Lestrade could get an word in edgeways. Mary looked at John, Lestrade helped her get him in a police car before returing to the scene.

"(Y/N) what's does this mean, are you okay?" Anderson asked "This isn't good, this is not good at all, Moriarty is back, he'll keep striking farms maybe more" she replied "I also found these on the other dogs" Anderson said handing over 3 more bag over, the names read "Charles, Augustus, Magnssun" these were the names on the 3 dog collars. "(Y/N), are you okay or do you want to go back to the car where John is?" Anderson said. "I need to go back to the car" (Y/N) said "Lestrade tell Sherlock I'm just taking (Y/N) back to the car with John and Mary" Anderson said "Okay" Lestrade replied.

They got to the car "Anderson what wrong?" Mary asked "It's (Y/N) she doesn't look to good I thought it would be best if I brought her back to the car than her passing out and landing in the mud" He explained. Mary went over to them "(Y/N) what wrong?" Mary asked when Anderson went back to the scene "It's something I found out on the scene, I know it from somewhere" she said as Sherlock came to the car "Right we going back to the flat" Sherlock said "Sherlock, there's something I need to tell you three of the five dogs have these names Charles Augustus Magnssun and the fourth one is called Jim and it said Miss me on the back of his tag" (Y/N) said "Magnssun is the man who owns appledore and he can figure out someones pressure point just by reading them."

They arrived at the flat Sherlock and (Y/N) went to bed while John and Mary spoke to Mycroft about Magnssun trying to find out as much as they can.

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