Emergency Occurs

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Sherlock and John and Molly were in a black cab coming from Baker Street the cab was dodging the other cars with the skill reserved for very impaitent cab drivers, Sherlock was talking to (Y/N) on the phone as Lestrade was gathering the records and information on the case they were investagating for a week. "Check the sister's records" Sherlock said "can you go any faster" He shouted at the cabbie, who then obediatly sped up this cabbie knew John and Sherlock quite well and knew not to disobey Sherlock.

Suddenly there was a large lorry which crashed into the cab, the cabbie was flung forward, glass flew through the air at an incredable speed, John felt his neck strain as his head whipped back. John heard a scream of pain and wondered who it was but he couldn't call out as his own seat belt was strangling him, the cabbie was already out and so was Sherlock but had left the phone in the cab, he deduced that it was Molly given it was only them left in the cab.

"Sherlock? What's happening?" (Y/N) called Anderson and Lestrade turned to look at her.

"Probably one of his experiments" Anderson said sitting back.

Nothing came from the other end of the phone "Sherlock? What the hell in going..?" |(Y/N) was interupted by John "(Y/N), God-have-got"

"John? What's happend?" (Y/N) asked as she stood up, Lestrade noted the slight panic, Anderson stood up. (Y/N) heard scraping noise which she recognised from a crash "Jesus, we're on our way now, are you alright? Is she alright? Stuff the case hold on."

"What's going on?" Anderson asked "A lorry has hit the cab, she's dying" (Y/N) said "Molly's dying?" Lestrade asked "Yes" (Y/N) replied as she put her coat on, Lestrade and Anderson got in the front of a car while (Y/N) got in the back.

"Are you alright" (Y/N) asked "I don't know" John answered "The cabbies a bit hurt and Sherlock, but they're fine I guess, Molly won't last much longer though." "There's an ambulance on it's way, hold on" (Y/N) said as the tone dialed out.

The vehicle in question came into view (Y/N) tossed the phone to one side while getting out, "John?" Lestrade called out "Molly's dead, she's dead" John managed to say before being overcome by unconsiousness.

Sherlock, Lestrade, (Y/N) and Anderson helped the paramedics get John out of the car by pulling on the surrounding metal, once they freed him they helped put him on a streacher and was wheeled to the nearest of the to ambulances, the blood oozed from the cut on John's leg.

Sherlock went with John in the ambulance.

The three of them stood back and turned their attention to Molly who was still trapped un the metal of the vehicle, the medics slid boards down the side of Molly so they could cut her out safely (Y/N) couldn't help but imagine what they'd be cutting through if the boards weren't there. Lestrade and Anderson jumped slightly at a really loud shout as most of the cabs door way came off in one the medics hand. Molly, who was now unsuported flopped out the gap, she was now half in and half out. Anderson, eventhough he barely knew Molly, just looking at her in this state made him feel sick and so he turned away. (Y/N) just stared unable to remove her gaze from Molly, Gosh the blood.....

"Jesus" (Y/N) whispered, Lestrade noticed she was a little bit shaky, him and Anderson grabbed onto her and helped her to lower herself on the ground. One of the younger medics who were just standing around walked towards and bent down "Do you know them?" he asked (Y/N) nodded before the other two could answer, "Just tell it to us straight" Anderson said. "Well, John is quite badly hurt but not in a critical condition, he's lost alot of blood, broken his right leg, badly damaged mucsles to both legs and a broken wrist, Molly on the otherhand has a punctered lung, fractured skull, multiple cracked ribs and she was choking on her own blood but we've managed to clear her airways, and maybe spinal damage and both of her legs are broken. We are stuggling to get her out of the car so it's not really looking good" the medic explained.

(Y/N) and Anderson paled "Thank you" Lestrade said. The medic left to get shock blankets. "Anderson are you okay?" Lestrade asked he shook his head and rested his head on (Y/N)'s shoulder as she wrapped her arm around him, the medic came back and the shock blankets around each of their shoulders they got into the car they came in this time Lestrade drove while (Y/N) and Anderson were at the back, Anderson still in complete utter shock while (Y/N) tried her best to comfort him still trying to recover from shock. Lestrade drove them to the hospital were John and Molly were being addmitted.

They got into the waiting room and sat down Lestrade called the office to calm things down as it seem that Anderson or (Y/N) were able to go back and calm things down in person. Mycroft turned up at the hospital "Greg, (Y/N), Anderson, What are you doing here?" he said surprised (Y/N) turned to him "You. I don't see why your here. You don't seemed to care about Sherlock or you would have been at the scene like us." She said sounding truely angry "I know I was busy" Mycroft said "Yeah, you care more about your politics that your own brother who at the moment is with his dying friend. I am glad I'm not related to you. You need to get out and sort your life and priorities out." she said. She was that angry with Mycroft she had dug her own fingernails into the palm of her hand. Mycroft left.

(Y/N) unclenched her fist and the blood from the small cuts dripped out, she hadn't even realised she had done it, but it hurt, Lestrade took one of the tissues from her bag and held it on her palm while holding her hand at the same time. Mrs Hudson came through the doors of the hosptial and found them sat in the waiting room it had been clear she was just told and arrived in a rush as she had flour on her dress, usually she never came out looking like that. "What's happended since the crash?" She asked "We've been here hours, no update, no sign, they could be dead or alive" Anderson said. A nurse came up to them "Are all of you friends with John and Molly?" She asked "Yes" Lestrade replied "Well, you can go in a see them, Sherlock has been asking for Mrs Hudson to be in with him and John" she said before going back to her desk. Mrs Hudson went to John's room while Lestrade, Anderson and (Y/N) went to Molly's.

Once they got into the room they saw all the tubes that were trying to keep Molly alive and they heard the beep of the heart monitor which was now her lifeline, (Y/N) sat the closest to Molly they had been friends since school and knew everything about each other. Anderson and Lestrade sat next to her on the two other chairs that the nurse had left for them, they weren't comfy but they stuck with them for Molly.

It was getting truely late 1am to be exact and they all stayed in Molly's room, they had all fallen asleep in the chairs so their was no way they'd leave they were to tired to drive or walk.

It was 4am when they all awoke to a high pitch continuous beep, it was the dreaded sound, a flatline.

Anderson called a nurse and the nurse called a doctor. They were told to wait in the waiting room. "This can't be happening not now, not her" (Y/N) said pacing up and down the waiting room, Lestrade trying to get her to calm down. Mary who was John's wife, came through the doors "Where's John? I've just got off a train. Sherlock said to come here." she said "He's in the room next door to Molly's" Lestrade said. Mary sped off in the direction of John's room.

The doctor came out of Molly's room "What is it? Is it good?" Anderson asked, the doctor shook her head "She's gone, it was too critical" she said before going back into the room. (Y/N)'s eyes filled to the brim with tears, she stood still, didn't move. Lestrade got up and pulled her into a hug. Tears flowed from her eye, she didn't bother to stop them, Mrs Hudson, who had spent the night, came out of John's room "I thought you were with Molly, what's the update?" she said "Molly's died, she's gone" (Y/N) said sadly "Oh gosh, I thought she was going strong, Sherlock should be out soon John's awake" she said before leaving. She was right, not long after she had left Sherlock came through the waiting room, Sherlock smiled at them (Y/N) wished she could smile back but by his point Sherlock had already noticed they all weren't their normal cheery selves "What's gone on?" he asked Lestrade didn't want to tell him but he knew the detective wouldn't stop asking if he didn't "Molly's gone, she was in a too critical state to survive" he said. "We need to see John" Anderson said.

They went to John's room, "Hi, gosh you three look terrible" John said as they entered "How's Molly?" he asked "Molly's...."(Y/N) started but couldn't say the word and broke down in tears, John instantly understood Mary got out of her chair and told (Y/N) to sit down. "I know I am the patient here, but I am the doctor for the crime solving crew we have, so, how much sleep did you get?" he said "2-3 hours" Anderson relplied "We slept in the hosptial chairs" Lestrade added "I suggest you go home and take time off work and sleep" John said "Doctors orders, Anderson don't go back to your wife this time, Lestrade look after (Y/N)."

Once they left John room, they went straight to the car "Were should I go, I have got nowhere to go" Anderson said "Well, until I phone Sally tomorrow you can sleep on our couch if you want" Lestrade offered "Okay, thanks Lestrade" Anderson said.

(Y/N) had fallen asleep in the back of the car while they were on route to the small flat. 

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