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(Y/N) was lying lazliy on the couch and Sherlock was sat in his chair they were on a case when John came back from shopping, "Hello, what's going on here?" John asked, "A case" Sherlock replied, "(Y/N) is that a nicotine patch?" John asked "Not one, three" (Y/N) replied "I introduced her to them, they help her think better" Sherlock said "I have three as well."

"Well this is good news for breathing at least" John said putting the shopping away. "Breathings boring" Sherlock said, "Sherlock, you do realise that this is a stupid idea, (Y/N) doesn't smoke nor take drugs" John said. She started to smirk "John, you don't see" Sherlock said "John, I've been here this long, the only reason why is because my brother doesn't enjoy my smoking habit" She said "Nor the drugs she's taken, remember the plane when I gave you that list, she took all them as well" Sherlock said.

"That could have killed you both" John said "What's this case about?"

"Kidnapped children, the american's ambassadors children they were at a boreding school but they dissappeared in the night" Sherlock explained "Right and...." John looked at them confused "We need to go, We're just waiting on Lestrade and Donovan."

Once they arrived at the boarding school they went into the girls room first (Y/N) opened the trunk and found an envelope with a book about fairy tales "Sherlock didn't Morartiy say something about every fairy tale needs a good old fashioned villain" she said "Yes he did" Sherlock responed "Well I found the fairy tale" she said "What about the boy's room?" John said "we need to go there." They entered the boys room, "This particular boy who reads those spy book, how would he spend the last few seconds before the intruder come in" (Y/N) said "Limeseed oil" Sherlock said "Get Anderson." Anderson arrived "Help me on the wall, leads no where to the kiddnapper" he said "Brilliant" (Y/N) said "Really?" Anderson said looking very proud of himself "Yes, a brilliant impression of an idiot" Sherlock said smirking, Anderson gave them a sarcastic smile.

They followed the oil trail and went to labs "Molly cancel you dinner date and come with us" Sherlock said. "But sherlock" Molly said "No but's Molly I need you for the testing" Sherlock said, Molly followed them back to the lab. They found a chemical, "Isn't that used in chocolate" (Y/N) asked "It is, old sweet factory would be the best place to to look" Sherlock said "There is vegatation on his shoes" John said "An old sweet factory near a vegatation plant, I'll get Lestrade, Donovan and backups, you and (Y/N) make your way there" John said as they headed out the door.

Sherlock and (Y/N) got to the factory and grabbed the torches and ran to the left, John and the back up team arrived "Spread out we'll find them quicker" Donovan said, they all ran in different directions as John went to find Sherlock and (Y/N). John had found Sherlock and (Y/N) they were near a pile of sweet wrappers Sherlock and (Y/N) picked one up each and licked it "Mercury" Sherlock said, "Definatly Mercury" (Y/N) comfirmed. "Found the children they're over here" Donovan called. They all ran (Y/N) called an ambulance for the boy he had eaten more of the poison than the girl as they were running through the factory a large nail stuck out (Y/N) was running next to Sherlock scrapped her wrist across it. She was more concerned about the children than herself so she ignored it. Donovan and Lestrade got the children out John comfirmed they had both taken Mercury, the ambulance took both of the kids away.

(Y/N) felt something drip on her arm, she knew it was blood from the wound. Lestrade came over from the ambulance "Do you want a ride back to 221B instead of waiting for a cab?" he asked "Yes" Sherlock said. John got in the front of the car, Sherlock and (Y/N) went in the back. Once they were driving back to the flat (Y/N) unbuttoned the cuff of her shirt to revel the wound the blood already leaked through the shirt "Lestrade do you have a first aid kit in this car" (Y/N) asked "Yeah, why?" he asked "I need it now" she replied. John turned around looking concered, he saw (Y/N) arm, "Seriously, you need more than a first aid kit for that, I say we should go to the hospital" he said "Where's the first aid kit?" Sherlock asked "It's behind you, Sherlock" Lestrade said. Sherlock grabbed the first aid kit, he takes out the gauze and bandages, she covers the wound with gauze and wraps the bandage around them. "We should be going to the hospital" John said "John, I don't need the hospital, Sherlock know when I need it and when I don't" (Y/N) said "It's true" Sherlock said smiling "She doesn't because your a doctor and we have all the supplies at baker street if it's needed." "Oh okay" John said. John stayed quiet for the rest of the journey.

Lestrade dropped them off at the flat. They walked in, "(Y/N) do you want me to take a look at the cut?" John asked "No, it's fine John" (Y/N) replied as they walked upstairs to the flat. When Sherlock opened the he found Mary sitting on the couch "I thought I'd pop round for a visit, so what was the case about this time?" Mary said "Kiddnap children, they were in an old sweet factory near a vegatation plant, they have been poisoned by Mercury" John said "(Y/N) got injured, she's not going to a hospital either, Sherlock has the equipment here if it's needed." "I thought something happened given there's blood on her shirt" Mary said.

"I'll go and make some tea" John said as he left for the kitchen "(Y/N), will you let me look at the wound or at least check you over?" Mary asked "Mary, I know you're concerned but I'm fine" she replied. "Okay tell me though, if you're not" Mary said before John came in with the tea. They all drank the tea when Mrs Hudson came up with the emergency kit "John, were do you want it?" She asked "I'll come get it" he said as he took the kit from Mrs Hudson and put it on the kitchen table "Seriously John" Sherlock said getting up "You've got to be kidding me, She said she was fine, I say she's fine, she's fine" he finished "Sherlock Holmes, your girlfriend should really be at the hospital now getting treatment but neither you or her every listen to me" John said "I'm seriously considering calling an ambulance." "No need to" Mary said "Why?" John asked "She's already done it for herself" Mary replies smiling.

Two paramedics came through the door "Did someone call an ambulance?" One of them asked "Yes, did you bring the Morphine, I asked for" (Y/N) said "We were told someone had punctured a vein" the other paramedic said "Rightly so I believe I'm bleeding internally, my pulse is racing" (Y/N) said standing. (Y/N) yelped in pain Mary and Sherlock suddenly stood up and grabbed her sides before she collasped, the paramedics put there bags down and went over to help support (Y/N). John went around the back of her and grabbed her. (Y/N) gave another yelp, Sherlock kept a firm grip on her and laid her on the floor while the paramedics prepared the equiptment. "She won't make it to the hospital" the paramedic said "we need a specialist." "John call Mycroft he has a specialist emergeny doctor tell him to come with him" Sherlock said, John grabbed the phone "Mycroft, emergency at 221B baker street bring your specialist emergency doctor now quickly" John said "he's on his way now."

Mycroft and the doctor arrived "What has he done this time?" Mycroft said assuming it was Sherlock that needed the doctor "It's not Sherlock, it's (Y/N) she came home from the case injured she's punctured a vein and is bleeding internally" Mary explained "Who called the ambulance?" Mycroft asked "She did" John said getting the emergency kit form the kitchen. The doctor was treating (Y/N) who was on the verge of conciousness, the paramedics gave her an oxygen mask. Lestrade, Donovan and Anderson drove by and stopped when they saw the ambulance car parked up a 221B, they ran inside "What's going on here? Lestrade asked Do we need back up?" Anderson said "No we don't need back up Anderson" Sherlock said "What you doing on the floor freak" Donovan asked "Well, considering while we were on the case (Y/N) got injured and punctured a vein, I'm being comforting" Sherlock said. "John you defiantly were right when you said she needed the hospital" Lestrade said. "We should be going" Anderson said "You two go, I'll stay here, I'm cool with it" Lestrade said, Donovan and Anderson left. "Greg, you didn't have to do that" John said, "I know but she's part of the team that I care about, once she awake I'll go and tell Molly for you" he said. Sherlock gave him a small smile, "Right I think she will be fine by tomorrow I've close both wounds" the doctor said before leaving with Mycroft.

(Y/N) began to regain conciousness, "That was a bloody close one" Mary said as her and John went to get some blankets and pillows. Sherlock help (Y/N) up, Lestrade stood behind her for extra support. John and Mary came back the blankets and pillows and John put one of the pillows on the couch as Sherlock pick (Y/N), kissed her on the cheek and put her down comfortably on the couch before covering her with the blanket "Right I best be off, I'll let Molly know expect a case tomorrow" Lestrade left. 

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