Heart Beat

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It was just after 7pm when Lestrade got the message.

Sally, Anderson and (Y/N) were sat at their desks looking through old cases, bored out of their minds. Lestrade ran in "Right people we know were we're going an old boarded up house in Piccadily, suit up, lets get there before they leave" he said. Only problem was Sherlock was on this case and they found him very hard to work with, if he was wrong it could get them all killed. "Lestrade are you sure he's right" (Y/N) comfronted him "I know you three find him very hard to work with, but he's always right, just go and suit up please, that's an order" Lestrade said.

They left to get ready.

They pulled up on the kerb infront of the house that was in question. Lestrade got texts saying the basement is the most likley room to have evidence. They all got out of the car, this house was the only disused house on the street it seemed to be a good place for drug smugglers to hide. The windows were boarded up, wood stacked upon wood. Lestrade had kicked the door in. "You don't suppose he's left?" Sally said "I wouldn't put it past him" Anderson replied Lestrade just shrugged.

They got to the basement, "If he's down here he would have heard us" (Y/N) said Lestrade opened the door "I'll go first you follow" he said. Once they were down in the basement they were able to see how violent the crimnals actually were. (Y/N) took a glace at the person lying completely still in that familiar blue navy coat... It was Sherlock, completely unconsious not breathing with a needle jabed into his arm. "Oh Christ" Lestrade said as he saw the sight. (Y/N) went over to check Sherlock's pulse "Nothing" she said "I'm going to start CPR" she added. She started CPR trying to revive Sherlock without the need for an ambulance, she check his pulse regularly.

One and a Half Hours later.
(Y/N) check Sherlock's pulse "Oh shit" she said "What?" Anderson said "Still no pulse, Lestrade call an ambulance, tell them it's poison" She said "And I have not a clue what type." As much as Sherlock annoyed them, they never wanted to see him like this, (Y/N) was still doing CPR Lestrade came back from calling the ambulance service "Lestrade can.. you.. take over the.. CPR.. for me now.." She gasped "Yeah" he said moving closer.

Sally, Anderson and (Y/N), felt that they were never meant to see this, they weren't supposed to see it, Sherlock shouldn't able to make someone feel like this especially when he's dying in any case. They felt their eyes burning and blinked hard. Something deep within reminded them they shouldn't be crying over him.

(Y/N) went behind him and laid on the floor completely exhausted, Anderson and Sally stood over the top of (Y/N) "You need help?" Anderson said (Y/N) just nodded she felt to tired to reply Sally and Anderson help her up. She never realise how tiring CPR was in a real situation it seemed easy in training. She stood with Anderson near the door waiting for the paramedics. "Still nothing guys" Lestrade said "Donovan go and ask Winters for her epi pen?"

Sally ran up the stair "Winters?" she called out, Winters appeared in the door way "You wanted me?" she said "Can I have your epi pen please" Sally said " Its an emergency." "Yeah," Winters said as she pulled it out of her pocket. Sally ran back down the stairs and threw it to Lestrade "Thanks" he said before using it.

After Lestrade had adminstered the medicine he continued CPR. They just watched on, the paramedic soon arrived Sally brought them down "Right, he's just been given a shot from an epi pen, got no pulse, CPR been performed by two people" Lestrade said pointing over to (Y/N) "What was the reason for the switch?" one of the paramedics asked "She got too exhausted" Lestrade replied "I'll be going in the ambulance with him" he added, he let the paramedics get to work "Donovan, Anderson and (Y/N) your going to go back up tell them were going to need tape and tell Winters to come up in a police car and call John" Lestrade ordered before going back to Sherlock. They went back upstairs "Thanks for the epi pen Winters, Lestrade wants you to drive up to the hospital in a car and call John when they bring him up" Sally said "Is he okay?" Winters asked "maybe, it's not looking good, There still chairs in the kitchen right?" Anderson said "Yeah" Winters replied.

One of the others came up to them "We're going to need tape you and someone else put tape around this building" (Y/N) said to tired to look at who it was. They sat down in the kithchen. Lestrade came up with Sherlock in the streatcher with an oxygen mask, he gave them a wave before leaving. (Y/N) was half asleep resting against Anderson "I suppose we might as well go home" Anderson said "Sally we'll drop you off at your flat and the go to our own" he added.

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