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Lestrade and (Y/N) had called in Sherlock and John for this very odd case. A man aged 43 was mudered in a hotel room on the 7th floor but there was no sign of the weapon that killed him. The police who were local to the scene where leaving one of the young policewomen pointed them in the direction of the elevator "Why is Mycroft here?" (Y/N) asked while they were waiting for the lift to come back down "He wants to observe since it's not in London" Sherlock said "Or he just want's to make it more complicated" he added. Mycroft just gave Sherlock the most sarcastic smile he could make.

The lift made it's way down and they all got in, (Y/N) squeezed herself in the far right corner, Lestrade stood next to her, Sherlock was in the left corner and John and Mycroft were in the front near the doors, Sherlock pressed the button for the 7th floor. Sherlock was getting board as the lift was really really slow.

Without any warning the lift came to an abrupt stop causing them to jerk to one side and grab onto the handle bars that ran along the side of the lift. This stop was not the gentle kind that means the doors will open it was more violent and the doors were not about to open anytime soon. "That can't be good" Mycroft said and John looked around to check if anyone was injured. Seconds later the light went out. "Great" Sherlock said, Mycroft heard Lestrade curse. John, Mycroft, Sherlock and Lestrade pulled their phones out and turned them to flashlight mode. "People know where in here" Sherlock said deducing the buttons trying to find the emergency call button.

"They should" John said as Sherlock pressed the call button, no one answered "the person on the other end will be able to talk to us can't they?" Mycroft asked "Yes they should" John said, Sherlock pressed the button again, still no reply "Wonderful" Lestrade said resiting the urge to kick the wall in anger. "Call 999" Sherlock suggested "I am 999, the rest of us are downstairs or upstairs depending on where we are" Lestrade said "I think he was thinking more of the fire fighters than the police Greg" Mycroft said. "Wouldn't someone be able to hear us if we shouted" Sherlock said John just looked at him "Try it then" Mycroft said looking at Sherlock who considering if it would make him look stupid if he shouted or not.

"(Y/N)" Lestrade said blindly, unable to see her "You're being awfully quiet."

"Just waiting to get out of this lift" she said, Lestrade pointed his makeshift flashlight in her direction only to find she had vanished, before he realised (Y/N) was on the floor curled up her back against the wall. Lestrade moved closer to her and sat against the wall. A moment later he felt (Y/N) curl up against him.

"Claustrophobic?' he asked

"A bit" she replied.

"A bit as in, this caught you of guard and you don't particularly like it, or a bit as in your going to to have a panic attack any minute now" Lestrade asked putting his phone on his lap, "more the last option" she replied "Okay" he said letting her cuddle even closer to him.

"That's it I am shouting I've had enough of this" John said. Lestrade looked up to find Sherlock watching them. Sherlock turned around and found John shouting for help through the doors. "Do you have any methods for going through a panic attack?" Lestrade asked "I've never actually had one" (Y/N) replied Lestrade noticed her breathing picked up slightly.

"Just breathe so you don't have a panic attack due to the thought of having a panic attack because it looks like we're not going to get out of here anytime soon" Lestrade said John turned around a looked at them, he turned to face the door deciding it was no use shouting. Her breathing had picked considerably "(Y/N) look at me, I need you to take deep breaths for me, we'll get through this" Lestrade said soothingly.

"Sorry folks, we've had a problem with the elevator today" the man's voice crackled through, making Mycroft jump "It's being sorted now and you should be out soon"

"Not long now" Lestrade said "I'm still waiting on that breath." "I.....can't" (Y/N) gasped "I know" Lestrade was interrupted by the technician's voices that were outside opening the doors "I think it'll be better once we're out" Lestrade said.

A few seconds later they were greeted by two technicians smiling victoriously Sherlock, Mycroft and John got out leaving (Y/N) and Lestrade to get out. Lestrade helped (Y/N) up even though she was really shakey "Could I have a little help?" he asked only for Mycroft to step back in the lift and help, John just stared at him in shock while Sherlock had nothing to say which was unusual for him being the detective genius he was. Once they got out Lestrade and (Y/N) sat in some chairs that were outside the room they were investigating (Y/N) had calmed down which pleased Lestrade when they were greeted by Sally, "What happened, I heard John shouting" she asked "We got stuck in the lift for a while John thought it was smart to shout and (Y/N) had a panic attack that's all, We never want to get into that lift again" Lestrade explained.

(Y/N) nodded her head in agreement with the last statement.

Sherlock had outsmarted everyone to walk on the crime scene and solved it within a few hours the blade which the man was stabbed with was taked by one of the maids who cleaned the 7th floor and being the only one on duty that night along with the guards, they were put forward for questioning by Sherlock and they had known all along that the killer was going to strike that night to that person and who they were and they were arrested by the local force not long after the investgaition.

They all went down in a glass elevator which was much calmer and faster and caused less stress on (Y/N).

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