Post Reichenbach Fall

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John's Pychosomatic limp had returned after the fall, he lived alone in 221B, by himself Mrs Hudson only went to see him to drop him some tea and food. He always blamed (Y/N), Sally and Anderson for Sherlock's death, he never onced believed anything else. He never contacted Molly, or Lestrade, or anyone infact not even Mary who he loved so dearly he just couldn't face the fact Sherlock was truly gone. Mycroft had been the only one to visit him and stay with him at the grave yard, so he couldn't kill himself.

John made his way to Lestrades office in Scotland yard "Greg I need to speak to (Y/N) about a serious matter" John announced controling his anger "that might not be the best mate, given your mental state" Lestrade said "it's serious" John said "Fine I'll let you" Lestrade said.

"(Y/N), Dr Watson is here to speak to you, be careful" Lestrade said "send him in" (Y/N) said. "Dr Watson, would you like to sit down" (Y/N) asked, she had been expecting a visit from him for awhile but never knew when he would turn up. John shook his head "You told me Sherlock was a freak, you said he would commit the crimes he solved" John said "I'm sorry" (Y/N) said. John looked up at her and stared into her eyes "Your not sorry, you're glad, I've noticed your crime rate has gone up rapidly since his death, what is it? Is it that you can't solve them with out Sherlock? Is that the problem?" John said (Y/N) hand travelled toward the gun in her desk draw, she wouldn't shoot the doctor but it was for self protection "why did you care that I called him a freak? He never did care" (Y/N) said "I'm different, I known you were afraid of losing your job, but now he's lost his life and I put most of it down to you," John said. He knows his words have broke her and with that he left her office.

(Y/N) sat in her chair, after the confrontion with John she could concentrate on anything, his words repeating in her brain. Sally walked passed her office and stopped, when she saw all the paperwork piled up on (Y/N)'s desk, she could tell (Y/N) wasn't herself as she was usually on top of the paperwork. "(Y/N) are you okay? You seem distracted" Sally said (Y/N) stayed silent "You know you can tell me anything, right?" Sally said "John came, he said he knew I was afraid of losing my job, and he put's the freaks death mostly down to me" (Y/N) replied.

Anderson came passed the office he was intenting to deliver evidence to Lestrade but stop dead in his tracks handing the evidence to another forensics and went into (Y/N) office "(Y/N) are you sick or something, you usually don't have so many papers on you desk" Anderson said walking up to her, he pressed his hand against her forehead "Well you do have a slight fever" he said "It's probaly the stress John's caused me" (Y/N) said "What stress?" Anderson asked "He knew I was afraid of losing my job and he puts Sherlock's death mostly on me" she said. "We can't give you a hug if you're sat on a chair made for one, let's go to my office where I have a sofa" Sally said.

Sally, (Y/N) and Anderson were sat in Sally's office on the couch, when Lestrade came racing in "John's back, I've called Mycroft, but he keeps saying that he's going to kill himself to show (Y/N) how much pain she has put him threw, he also mentioned he doesn't just blame (Y/N), he blames you both as well" he said. Suddenly John walked into the room calm and collective. "I've come to finish our little chat" John said loading the gun "He's not coming to me, I'm going to him, and (Y/N) this is mostly down to you and you'll never forget that" he pulled the trigger. BANG!! John laid on the floor.


"Oh Jesus christ" Lestrade said "(Y/N), are you okay?" She didn't reply, she just stared at John's body. Mycroft came straight in "I knew it would come to this, I can tell John's dead but what about (Y/N)" he asked "Stressed out and blaming herself" Sally said "Her fever's gone up" she added. "Non of you freak out, this is happening a bit sooner that expected" Mycroft said "Sherlock, come on in" he called out. Sherlock walked into the room "Ah we meet again, Donovan, Anderson, Lestrade and (L/N) what a nice surprise" he said "No this can't be happening" Sally said "You died, you killed yourself, we thought we drove you to do that." "Sally, do calm yourself" Sherlock said "Lestrade I suggest you go and fetch a cool cloth for (Y/N)." Lestrade left. Sherlock examined John's body "Mycroft call an ambulance, he's still breathing" Sherlock said. Lestrade came back with the cloth he gave it to Anderson. "So?" Lestrade asked "FYI he's still breathing" Sherlock said "You what? He's alive?" Lestrade said "Yes he is, he clinging onto life at this moment an ambulance is on it's way now" Sherlock said.

Anderson got (Y/N) comfortable on the couch while Sally grabbed two chairs, one for her and one for him. Anderson placed the cool cloth on (Y/N)'s forehead. DI Dimmock came in "What in God's name is happening here?" he asked "Emergency" Lestrade said "Who's the main patient?" Dimmock asked "John" Sherlock answered "Why's (Y/N) got a cloth on her forehead?" he asked "Stress induced fever notably caused by John" Mycroft answered "What about him?" Dimmock asked "Shot himself in front of us" Sally answered. The ambulance arrived they went to John. "Anderson" (Y/N) said "Yeah, I'm here what is it?' he asked taking the cloth from her forehead "I'm scared that John's going to kill me." she said "Don't worry he's not going to kill you or any of us" Anderson stroking (Y/N)'s hair. The paramedics loaded John onto the streatcher then the heart machine gave a loud long beep, a flatline "I'm really sorry with a bullet wound so close to the heart, it's too risky to try and bring him back" the paramedic said "thanks for trying, you okay taking him to barts for a post mortum" Mycroft asked "Yes sir" the paramedic said before wheeling the streatcher out. Sherlock, uncharacteristically, wrapped his arms around his brother seeking comfort, Mycroft comforted him, using methods from their childhood.

"Sherlock" (Y/N) said, he looked up "This is all my fault if I hadn't driven you to kill yourself, John would be alive he wouldn't have been so angry, I understand if your angry and you want to kill me for this and I don't blame you" (Y/N) cried "(Y/N), I may be a socicopath, you, Sally or Anderson never drove me to die, I did it for a purpose, Mycroft's plan, Molly even helped. I don't want to kill you nor am I angry, John chose to do this, not me. And right now me and Mycroft need to look after you all including you Lestrade" Sherlock said  

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