The Dying Detective

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(Y/N) was told to deliver a file on a recent murder to Sherlock and since their last encouter before he faked his death she thought best to bring company incase something got out hand, she chose Sally and Anderson to join. Sally drove them to 221B and waited at the bottom of the stairs.

(Y/N) opened the door to reveal Sherlock lying on the couch pale, shaking and bleeding from a wound in his chest "Sherlock!" She exclaimed dropping the file onto the coffee table and rushing up to him, he was barely breathing and she just felt useless standing there his eye were barely open. (Y/N) heard footsteps coming down from the bedroom above John who was holding a emergency kit raced into the room "Sorry." She said trying to calm her frantically beating heart "I came.." Only then did she start to notice that her hands were shaking and her knees felt weak "All right?" John said "I'm sorry.." "Easy, easy" John said seizing (Y/N) elbow "You sit down and I'll get Anderson and Sally to come up and ring Lestrade."

John opened the door to the flat "Sally, Anderson are you down here?" he asked "Yeah we both are" Sally replied "Well, you see I wasn't expecting you lot to turn up and Sherlock's in a kind of dire situation, you just come up and see for youselves" John said as the two of them ran up the stairs. Sally saw what John meant by 'dire situation' "Sherlock, just a little longer" John said picking his phone from the counter. Anderson and Sally were stood on either side of the chair (Y/N) was sat in trying to calm her racing heart. John called Lestrade "Greg, 221B now don't send back up come now quick before.... Sherlock's dying, just hurry" John said as his voice broke.

Lestrade got there in what felt like a matter of seconds, Lestade came just a few seconds too late "Greg, he's already gone" John said sobbing and holding onto Sherlock's body Lestrade managed to coax John away from Sherlock, whilest on the phone to Molly and her patholgiest team, John had left the room to pull himself together. No matter how hard (Y/N), Anderson and Sally tryed to hide their tears it didn't get passed Lestrade, "Are you three crying for him?" he asked refering to Sherlock "No, not him, John" Sally insisted wiping her eyes on her sleeve, John came back in with a stack of blankets "Well, being a doctor, I can clearly see it won't be the best for you to leave tonight seeing the layout of events I brought blankets from the spare room and Mrs Hudson flat" he said passing them out "But then again I doubt we'll be getting sleep" he added. Molly's team came a took Sherlock away.

"Now we can get organised, (Y/N), Sally and Anderson you can take the couch, Lestrade you can either take the chair or the my bedroom, I'll be in here, essentionally looking after you" John said "What about the case though?" John added "You can sod the case, Who shot Sherlock?" Lestrade said. (Y/N), Sally and Anderson were already comfortable on the couch Anderson and Sally wrapped their arms around (Y/N) protectively. "John, I just want to know who shot Sherlock?" Lestrade said "I.. erm It was... It was, me" John replied feeling the panic rise inside of him "Why?" Sally asked "I had one of my rare flashbacks to the war and this one resulted in Sherlock's death" he replied as the tears flowed freely down his cheeks. "Oh, John, you could have said straight away" Lestrade said attempting to comfort the man. They sat on the couch too, with looks of no ones going to get to sleep tonight.

Next Day, Back At The Office.
Lestrade had the day off as he was due to work that night. Sally, Anderson and (Y/N) on the other hand had to work the day and after not getting any sleep because of the previous night's happenings. They worked in Lestrade's office filing paperwork and trying not to fall asleep with Dimmock being incharge he was always strict about sleeping on the job, Dimmocks shift had ended earlier that what it normally did. Sally, (Y/N) and Anderson found themselves sat at their desk with their heads on the table falling asleep. Lestrade walked in and found them asleep "Gosh, last night must have rough on them" he whispered taking their coats from the hanger and covering them up.

It was nearing the end of Lestrades shift when Sally awoke "Lestrade I thought you we're meant to be here tonight" She said clearly having no idea what day it was "Sally, it's the end of my shift you three spent the night here asleep, while I was working" Lestrade replied as (Y/N) and Anderson stated to wake up "What time is it?" Anderson asked "It's exactly 6am" Lestrade said "do you want a lift home?" he asked "Yeah if you don't minde" (Y/N) said.

"No it's fine" Lestrade said.

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