Sugar Emergency

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(Y/N) was sat at her computer in Scotland yard trying to avoid the gaze of Anderson, Sally and Lestrade who stood in the door way, they left her alone for a while. She had been trying to solve a case for 4 days she had barely slept "How does he do it so quickly?" She questioned getting more frustrated, she opened the draw of her desk and found a note, she opened it. "Dear (Y/N), I am giving you this to point out the fact you won't be able to solve this case without me, nor any others -SH" it read. (Y/N) gave up after reading the note and went to Lestrade's office "Greg why did you give me this job, I can't solve anything, I'm too stupid" she said putting the note on his desk "This even proves it." "Whoah, (Y/N) seriously you're not stupid you deserved this job, you wouldn't have it if I didn't think you deserved' Lestrade said. "I think you've just worked yourself up about this case, don't worry, I'm sure it'll be solved soon" Sally said. Anderson came up behind her and gave her a hug "Let's go solve this case" he said.

The victim was a young woman, she was lying on a bed with her wrist slashed, the bed sheets were soaked in blood.

Sherlock had to be there obviously "Ah I see you got my note (Y/N), maybe you shouldn't be here you look like you could use some sleep, 4 days was it" he said sounding smug "shut up you freak, I don't want you here" (Y/N) snapped at him. "(Y/N) go downstairs, stay with Sally and Anderson" Lestrade said.

Sherlock stepped into the room, absorbing all the facts "Any thoughts?" Lestrade asked "I can't think, I don't know" Sherlock replied "Are you alright?" he asked feeling that something was about to happen again. "No" Sherlock said simply before he collapsed "Anderson, Donovan" Lestrade called. They both ran up the stairs, John stared at Sherlock, frozen, Doctors don't freeze he kept telling himself. "Anderson get the kit, Donovan pop down to the shop across the road and get the usual" Lestrade ordered throwing Sally his wallet. They both raced out the room.

Anderson raced back upto the room (Y/N) who was exhausted followed, he threw the Lestrade the kit. Lestrade took Sherlock blood sugar reading "Christ its 0.6" Lestrade said "What do you mean?" (Y/N) asked yawning "He's diabetic, his blood sugars really low" Sally said running in the the bag "Do you not want to check your own since you barely left the office for 4 days? "Lestrade asked genually concerned "No I think I'll give it a miss" (Y/N) replied going downstairs with Anderson "Anderson, keep an eye on her and maybe try and do it" Lestrade said. Sally left as well not wanting to get involved in any situation. "I think Lestrade's right you know, you should have it done" Sally said "Okay fine, since it's you I'll do it" (Y/N) said.

Sally took the reading "4.4, perfect, how?" she said "Don't tell Lestrade, but I have a secret stash of food in my desk draw" (Y/N) said "Cool, we should join you for a picnic sometime" Anderson said "yeah" (Y/N) said.

Sherlock was still not consious, Lestrade called an ambulance and adminsitered the glucagon, Sherlock slowly gained consiousness, Lestrade gave him the drink and biscuits that Sally had dropped off with John's help.

Anderson and (Y/N) were sat on the stairs while Sally was stood waiting for the ambulance. (Y/N) couldn't keep her eyes open "(Y/N), stay awake please, for me at least" Anderson said "I'll try" (Y/N) said. The ambulance arrived Sally directed them to upstairs. Anderson and (Y/N) stood up incase they needed to bring him down. (Y/N) was begining to wish she had not tryed to solve the case alone. The longer she stood up the more tired she became, until the point of complete exhaustion she collapsed against Anderson, he was quick to grab her to stop her falling "(Y/N) can you stand up?" he asked "I can't, too tired" she replied. Lestrade came down, Sherlock, John and the paramedics were going to the ambulance to take Sherlock to the hospital. "Well, we'll have to wait longer to get this case solved" Lestrade said, he saw Anderson trying to hold (Y/N) up from falling "(Y/N), you okay?" he asked "I need sleep" she replied "Sally did you check her sugar levels?" Lestrade asked "Yeah, it's 4.4, a perfect reading" Sally replied.

"Sally can I trust you to get the crew together and sercure the area for more research, while I take these two home" Lestrade said "Of course you can trust me, if you don't mind me saying I think (Y/N) could use at least 2 days off to relax" Sally said "Yeah, I agree" Anderson said "I'll take those days off as well to look after her." 

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