A Test

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Lestrade, Sally, Anderson and (Y/N) were at this peculiar crime scene, Lestrade requested Sherlock and John to take a look.

On completeing the examination John noticed a low rumble he paused before recognising what was going to happen. "Everyone Get Down!" he shouted pushing Sherlock on the ground. Glass shards pelted down on top of everyone.

"Sherlock, you okay?" John asked "Yeah, but I'm a bit stuck" he said "Stay there don't move, Greg, you okay?" John said "Yeah, but what was that" he said getting up a bit unsteadily "I think you took a knock to the head, did you see any visual disterbunces?" he asked "Yeah, Anderson, Sally and (Y/N)" Sherlock said "Sherlock, not funny" John said. "You three okay?" he asked "Yeah" they replied.

While John was preoccupied with getting Sherlock out of the rubble, Lestrade check his phone "Got no service" he said (Y/N), Sally and Anderson had wondered near the cubicles, they knew themselves that they had lied to John saying they were not injured but even through the sleeves of their shirts anyone could tell they glass had hit them at such force they had cuts going up their forearms. They thought best not to tell anyone incase Sherlock made fun of them or insulted them.

They decided to head back to the group trying to hide the blood that stained the shirts the best they could. "Where did you three go?" John asked "Just checking to see if there was a way out" Anderson said, "Mind if I interject?" Sherlock said "Yes, but you'll do it anyway" Sally said "If you said you were fine, why is there blood staining you shirts?" Sherlock said "No there's not" (Y/N) said "Are you sure?" John said "Cos I can check you over." "Yeah I'm sure" Sally said "We'll be over near the cubicles if you need us." With that they walked off.

30 Minutes Later.
"I'm going to check on them, they've not come back and I'm concerned" Lestrade said before heading towards the cubicles "Okay, be careful" John said.

Once he got towards them, they were complely unconsious on the floor all three of them, "Sodding hell!" Lestrade half yelled, John came rushing over "Damn, I knew something was up" he said "Lestrade get the first aid kit from over there with Sherlock" Lestrade rushed to get the first aid kit and came back, John heard another low rumble "Everyone get down again" John said, more glass and wood pelted down on them, wood landed on Sally, Anderson and (Y/N) stiring them out of unconsiousness. "Don't move you three" John said as they tryed to get up.

Lestrade and John lifted the wood that layed on top of them, "Are you hurt other than the obvious? Don't even think about lying." John asked "don't know" Anderson said "Roll your sleeves up and I will clean it before letting you get up, Lestrade you make a start on (Y/N) while I'll do Anderson the both of us will do Sally okay?" he said "Okay, John" Lestrade replied.

Once they had cleand the obvious wounds from them, they all got up from the floor "alot of wood landed on you three" John said as they brushed the excess wood that was still on them, they winced in pain "You've either have broken a few ribs or bruised them" John said. Suddenly a piece of wood came flying in Sally's direction, (Y/N) moved infront of her, instead of the wood hitting Sally it hit (Y/N), were she was bruised "Oh, god damn that hurts" (Y/N) gasped, John went to go and see who threw it. (Y/N) grabbbed the wall of the cubicle for support "Are you okay?" Lestrade asked "Of course I'm not, that bloody well hurts" (Y/N) said, her eyes glazed over in pain. John returned with Sherlock "Here's the culprit" he said "If I wasn't in so much pain I would cause you ten times more" (Y/N) said "I've found a way out, so don't be slow and come on" Sherlock said "We're going to be slow, we've broken ribs and bruised them" Sally said. "I'll follow Sherlock, Lestrade you'll walk with these three" John said.

They walked to the exit slowly so they wouldn't add more pain towards what they already had. Once they got to the exit there was a large step to get out, Sherlock was already out, John got out and Lestrade did so. (Y/N) was next to get out, Lestrade and John help her out Anderson came up from behind her. Sally climbed up but got stuck "I need help I'm going to slip" She said Lestrade and John raced up to her before they got to her she sliped backwards "Sally, you okay? I'm coming down to help" John said "Well, if I didn't break my ribs before I sure have now" She said, John came up behind her and helped her up he got on one knee "Right, what your going to do Sally is you going to stand on my knee and Lestrade is going to pull you out, are you okay with that?" John asked "Yeah I suppose" She said. Once she was out Sherlock came over to the group "Mycroft says well done with the test" he said "Sherlock, this was a test you knew about it" John said trying to control the anger building up inside of him "No one was seriously hurt" Sherlock said 'You call broken and bruised ribs and a cut up forearm, not serious" Anderson said. "Seriously Sherlock you could have warned us they we would have had the proper safety measure in place" Lestrade said trying to keep the situation calm "Don't you or your brother ever think about doing this thing ever again, you will not be welcome on any crime scene what so ever" (Y/N) shouted at him and trying to control pain from the injures.

John could see the pain that was building up in their eyes "I suggest you three go and sit down until I can get you some painkillers" he said they said down on the grass that surrounded the building when Mycroft turned up "Ah nice to see no one was hurt" he said "Mycroft Holmes, you idiot this so called test has caused serious injures to three of the best on my team" Lestrade said "what is meant by that Detective Inspector?" Mycroft asked "It is meant by this, they've got bruising to the ribs and broken them and the glass a cause several wounds up the forearm" Lestrade said trying to remain proffesional "Mycroft this was a stupid idea I never want to see you medle in a crime scene again for the rest of your life as need I remind you that I am an army doctor and could break every bone in your body whilest naming them" John said "You wouldn't want to go and do that surely" Mycroft said "Don't try me, I could easily do it now" John replied looking at Lestrade. Lestrade gave him the look of 'I'm not going to stop you.' "Maybe I should try the raidus first" John said "Or maybe a sprain, I'm sure that'll teach you not to do this again." John pushed Mycroft up against the brick wall of the house and twisted his right arm the total opposite way it should go and then let him go "Now that'll teach you" he said before going to check on his paitients.

"Does it hurt to breathe?" John asked (Y/N), Sally and Anderson, they all nodded "Right I can tell you've broken your ribs like I said. I suggest you go home, take time off work and take strong painkillers" John said "I'll arange it with Lestrade."

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