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Lestrade and (Y/N) were sat in their shared office in Scotland yards when Sally came in with a case "You'll want this one, two victims found in a alley way both shot but with slit wrist" She said "Back up now to the alley way tell them we're on our way and call Sherlock in" Lestrade said.

They got to the alley way (Y/N) went down to the back while the rest of them stayed where the victims were killed. A voice came from the corner "Here come the inspectors girlfriend what should I do with you?" The voice said as the man grabbed her and pulled out his knife "I won't kill you, I wouldn't want to be seen doing that" He rolled her sleeve up "Maybe just a few cuts to get their attention" he opened the knife and started to slit her wrists "That should do it" he pulled out a gun and shot three bullets in the air to get Lestrades attention.

Sally was the first to hear the gun shots she imediatly look around to see if anyone had fired but no one did. No one was missing from the scene. All execpt one.

"(Y/N)" Lestrade said "She went down the alley way, Sherlock stay here, Sally with me" Sally obeyed and brought some of the armed officers with her. She hoped that he hadn't killed (Y/N). Once they got down to the back of the alley Lestrade saw (Y/N) on the ground, he rushed over to her, rolled her on her back and took his coat off and covered her "can you hear me, don't worry you'll be fine" he said as (Y/N) eye's fluttered open "Greg I caught the killer for you" She said "I can see that I'll take you back to the scene" he said picking her up "Sally!! Call an ambulance now!!" Lestrade said. They walked back to the scene. Sally pulled her mobile phone and called the ambulance.

Sherlock had already solved the murder by the time the got back "I've solved it" Sherlock said "Not important now, emergency" Lestrade said Sherlock ran back to his brothers car, he decided he needed a car so he uses Mycrofts, he opened the boot grabbed the blanket an the first aid kit and ran back to the scene. "It's only a few bits and bobs" he said laying the blanket on the floor Lestrade put (Y/N) on the blanket and kneeled beside her, Sherlock took the gauze out of the kit and gave them to Lestrade.

Lestrade put pressure on the opened wounds, another police car arrived "The ambulance is three minutes away" Sally said. "Lestrade you called for forensics" Anderson said coming out of the car with his team, "Oh Hi freak" he said to Sherlock "No time for the case now Anderson, we've had an emergency on the scene" Lestrade pointed out, Andeson turned to face Lestrade and saw the blood that covered his hands "Jesus, you could have said it was your girlfriend, I would have got here quicker" Anderson said as he jumped over the police tape. The ambulance arrvied, the paramedics jumped out and pulled the streacher out and rushed toward them, Lestrade pick her up and put her on the streacher and they rushed her into the ambulance Lestrade and Anderson followed Lestrade got in, Anderson was stopped by a paramedic "Let him in he's with me" Lestrade said the paramedic let Anderson in and Sally was already in before the paramedic could say anything.

"The closes hospital is barts, that's were I will take her, Greg" John said whilest driving the ambulance "John your driving" Sally said "Yes, they said it was you on the phone, Sally and they said it was an emergency, so I called Molly and Mary up to the hospital and climbed in the ambulance with the two regular paramedics" John explained as he drove them into Barts "I'll take her into surgery, you wait in the waiting room and I'll call you in when it's done."

Lestrade, Sally and Anderson sat in the waiting room, "Sally do you want to head back to Scotland Yard and tell them where we are" Lestrade suggested "Yeah, I'll tell them, Anderson you can stay here" Sally said "Yeah sure" Anderson said. It was an hour before John returned "It went well, She lost a pint of blood but she's alive, I stitched the four wounds that were on her wrist she should be fine, she should be able to home early morning tomorrow" John said "Where's Sally?" he added "Sally went back to Scotland Yard to tell them where we were" Lestrade replied before him and Anderson got up and made their way to (Y/N)'s room.

Lestrade sat down in one of the chirs and held (Y/N)'s hand Anderson just stood in the doorway, "Anderson don't just stand there come on in sit down" Lestrade said, Anderson sat in the chair on the opposite side.

Anderson knew (Y/N) was alive and was going to make a full recovery but that didn't stop the tears rolling down his cheeks, he had know her since he went for the job and he wouldn't have got it, if it wasn't for her. She was the first person he made friends with in the job, he couldn't imagne a crime scene without (Y/N).

(Y/N)'s hand suddenly tighted around Lestrade's, he looked up.

"Hey (Y/N), you okay?" Lestrade said "I'm fine now, I caught the killer didn't I?" She said "Yeah you did but don't do it again" Lestrade said.

(Y/N) felt someone holding her left hand, she turned and saw Anderson "Hey Anderson" She could see that he was crying "Anderson look at me" She said Anderson looked up "Greg could you get the tissues out of my bag" She asked. Lestrade found the tissues and gave them to (Y/N) "I'm going getting you both and me some coffee" Lestrade said "Okay" (Y/N) replied wiping Andersons tears, "What's made you like this" She asked, "Well, I thought you were going to die and I don't think I would have been able to stay in this job if you had gone" Anderson explained "Look, I'm not dead and I don't plan to go anytime soon because I know you need me and well, I need you" (Y/N) said as Lestrade came in with the coffee.

The Next Morining
John came into the room "You can go home now if you want" he said. (Y/N) was already dressed ready to go Lestrade and Anderson slept in the chairs which were quite uncomfortable.

They left. They went back to Scotland Yard and awaited their next case.

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