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It seemed to be a quiet day at Scotland Yard, cases were already solved Sherlock and John were standing in Lestades office asking non stop for a new case "Lestrade I need one, get me one" Sherlock said repeatdly no matter how many time Lestrade told him there was no cases and John kept begging him to go back to the flat and wait there.

(Y/N) was walking up to the office when she lost the traction on the step, sending her down to the landing.

Lestrade heard a thud coming from the stairs, he raced out of his office, Anderson and Sally raced from their offices and followed Lestrade. "Did you guys hear the thud?" he asked "Yes," Sally replied. Anderson opened the door to the stairs, while Sally and Lestrade ran down them he followed.

(Y/N) was laid on the landing which she had fallen on, Sally and Anderson raced towards her in front of Lestrade "(Y/N), are you okay? What happened?" Anderson asked "I think I've sprained my ankle and cut my forehead" She replied "But what happened" Sally asked "I lost my footing on the step and sliped back down" she replied. "Did you blackout or anything?" Lestrade asked "I don't think so" (Y/N) replied "But I would love to get off the really cold floor."

"Right, I'll go and warn John, so we can get his opinion, you two help her up the stairs" Lestrade said taking off "I'll pick her up, Sally you open the door" Anderson said lifting (Y/N) from the floor and carrying her up the stairs trying not to distub her injured ankle. Once they got to the top of the stairs Sally opened the door and Anderson walked through Sally followed keeping her eyes on (Y/N).

John was already prepped with the first aid kit in Lestrades office, Sherlock staring out of the window not paying attention to anything in the room. Anderson carryed her in and gently sat her in the chair Lestrade had brought out for her. John started by assesing for concussion "You have not got conussion, I will just clean the small cut that's on your forehead which should heal within a four days" he said prepping the alchol wipe. John cleaned the cut as gently as he could, not to hurt (Y/N) any more than she was already. He examined her ankle "You've bruised your ankle, it's nothing serious, you might limp for the first few days of healing but you should be fine after that" John said before closing the first aid kit "It could have been far worse, I suggest taking the lift next time" John said. "What were you coming up for anyway?" Lestrade asked "There's a case, a young boy was found in a warehouse, dead" (Y/N) replied, Sherlock started smiling "Great, now let's get going, What's the address?" he said sounding like a five year old child on their birthday.

"Hold on, we have to sercure the area, Freak" Sally said glaring at him "I have to collect evidence as well" Anderson added. "Guys I've already found him, the killer, can I use your computer Greg?" (Y/N) said "Yeah sure need help getting there?" Lestrade asked "Yeah if you don't mind" she replied. Anderson picked her up and sat her in Lestrade's chair.

She typed the mans name in the computer and his whole crimnal record, picture and other names he had been arrested under came up "Under that name, he was caught for child abuse" (Y/N) said, Sherlock turned around "No, not him" he said "What? Who?" John said confused. "Look the child caught it all on camera, there's a video" Lestrade said clicking on it.

Sally and (Y/N) exchanged looks at the begining of the video, nothing was happening. Sherlock started to look slightly sick. Then something moved a boy no older than 13 was sat on his bed when a tall man walked in, he grabbed the little boy and shoved him against the wall and was choking him, the child was crying trying to fight his dad, apparently that was the son of the killer that was being abused.

Lestrade stopped the video, Sherlock was looking out the window, John look as if he was going to collapse, Anderson was pale and silent, Sally was sat on the floor infront of the desk with her head in her hands and (Y/N) had a tear on her cheek "that poor boy" she whispered. Sherlock bursted into laughter "What are you laughing at?" (Y/N) said, Sherlock walked to the desk "You, I'm laughing at you, It's just so ironic" he said "How can you just stand there laughing?" (Y/N) slapped him "That kid was abused for years and you find it funny, you utter bastard" (Y/N) shouted at him. "You're really a pychopath, aren't you?" Sally said. Lestrade read on. He went pure white, Anderson was going to question him "The younger child, Sherlock Holmes" Lestrade said staring at Sherlock in shock. "That took you long enough to work out" Sherlock said heading for the door. Sally and (Y/N) looked like they were going to cry. Anderson was silent.

"Oh for god sake I'm leaving" Sherlock said, John followed him out. Sally and (Y/N) hugged each other letting their tears do the talking. "Oh My God" Anderson said, closing the webpage. 

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