47| The bow and the arrow

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This chapter is dedicated to saddymcsadface

Thanks so much for voting, commenting and following! It means a lot to me when you guys enjoy my writing, so this chapter is for you <3. get ready ;)

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"Not bad, not bad." I commended as I accepted Eowyn's hand, pulling myself to my feet.

Eowyn smiled victoriously while catching her breath. "I can't...I can't believe I just did that!"

I chuckled, picking up my sword from where it had been knocked onto the floor. "That was impressive. You're definitely improving."

I placed the training sword back onto its pile. "Although, we should take a break. We've been training for...the whole day basically."

"Thank goodness, I'm spent. Although, it was worth it."

She stretched her arms out before undoing her bun, her golden locks falling freely from her shoulders as she plopped down onto the grass.

"Did I mention that your hair looks especially nice today?"

Sitting down cross-legged beside her, I felt the braid with my hand as I thought back to last night.

"Thank you, I'm trying something new, I guess."

"How did you do it?"

I smiled. "Actually...Legolas did it for me."

Eowyn tilted her head, her eyebrows raised in surprise. I suppose that men of her kind never really cared about that aspect.


Her look of surprise shifted to a sly smile, and I caught a glint in her eyes.

"So how's it going between you two then?"

I felt a blush rise up on my cheeks, and I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear in an attempt to cover it.

"It's going well. We just..." I let a soft smile spread across my lips. "...we just work well together, I suppose."

"Well I think what you have is precious."

Her smile faltered. "I wish I could find someone like that for me."

I saw the hint of sadness buried within her eyes, the way her shoulders slumped, as if this had been weighing on her mind for a while now. I sighed. I suppose I had to bring this up at some point. May as well be now.

"Look..." I turned so that I was facing her.

"I know that you're interested in Aragorn."

Now it was her turn to blush. She looked down, her gaze fixated to the ground as she absentmindedly pulled blades of grass out of the earth.

"Does...does he know?"

"It doesn't matter, Eowyn. I know this may be hard to hear, but..."

I tried to find the best way to word my sentence. A way that wouldn't hurt her as much.

"...Aragorn...he will always care about you, but never in the way that you perhaps desire."

To my surprise, Eowyn just smiled sadly, nodding.

"I know."

She glanced up at me. "He has someone else, doesn't he?"

I nodded in response.

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