69| a ship on the river

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Hi guys, I am so sorry for the very extended break I have had. The past few months have just been a busy, hectic time of my life, and in addition, every time I tried to sit down and write, I just did not think it was good enough, so I delayed it. Now that it's out, I thank each and every one of you who continue to stick by this book as I work through it slowly but surely.

This chapter is chapter is dedicated to slytherinfolk25. I am extremely grateful for all the time you have dedicated to reading this book, including all your comments, votes and reading list features. Seeing you enjoy my book so far always inspires and encourages me to continue write. I sincerely hope you continue to enjoy this book. Thanks again <3

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There, on the banks of the river, we stood—a man, two elves, a dwarf and a wolfhound—weapons in hand, just waiting. The five of us, hoping to stand against an entire kingdom's whole naval power. At least, that's what it felt like as we watched the black sails in the distance grow closer and closer, with nothing but the stony hills standing behind us like silent observers.

I knew the men of the mountains were around somewhere, and the knowledge that around us were hundreds, if not thousands of dead men that I could not see would always be chilling. However, Aragorn had devised a rather dramatic plan to make contact with the Corsairs, and far be it from me to stand in his way.

As the image of the black ships grew clearer, I could feel the tell-tale jitteriness growing more and more intense, eating away at every fibre in my body until it was the only thing consuming my mind. It was such a familiar sensation, like insects crawling up my spine, wanting to shake them off but knowing that I could not. That was what waiting felt like to me, and each second that ticked by, each second I stood unable to do anything felt as if Sauron was one step closer towards achieving his goal of utter destruction.

The ships drifted closer, until I could hear the coarse voices echoing from aboard the ships and shouting commands. Large, menacing sails towered over us like the outstretched wings of a dragon as the vessel cut through the water, and the dark metal spines adorning the sides glinted wickedly beneath the daylight.

From beside me, Aldion huffed restlessly.

Aragorn and I exchanged a glance, and I sent him a nod to let him know that we were ready.

His sword resting casually against his shoulder, his voice carried over water.

"You may go no further." He announced, his voice unwavering and assertive. "You will not enter Gondor."

At this, the sound of raucous laughter drifted over the water, reaching our ears.

I just rolled my eyes, tapping my foot impatiently

"Who are you to deny us passage?" A voice from the ship demanded.

Aragorn didn't reply, instead turning to Legolas.

"Legolas, fire a warning shot past the bosun's ear."

In one swift motion, Legolas reached behind him for an arrow and nocked his bow, drawing back the bowstring in the blink of an eye.

As much as I hated to admit it, Legolas' skill and speed with a bow was impressive, as usual. I pursed my lips at the thought.

"Mind your aim." There was a mischievous glint in Gimli's eyes.

Just as Legolas was about to release his arrow, the handle of Gimli's axe nudged against the bottom of his bow. With a swish, the arrow whizzed through the air, before sinking right into the chest of one of the men. I raised my eyebrows in surprise. The man's pained cries echoed over the water, and I watched Legolas turn around to face Gimli, his expression twisted in annoyance.

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