61| too much

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QOTD (asked by modurn_pink): 

Which actor would you cast as Daeriel and Maeglor? 

I'm really interested in what you guys think :D

This chapter is dedicated to eleanor-jane! Thanks so much for your support, it really helps a writer struggling with writers block hehe :) <33

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At first, all I felt as I watched Legolas walk away was anger. I could feel the chewed points of my nails dig into the palm of my hands as my fists tightened, frustration continuing to simmer as his words echoed within my mind.

And yet, as the quiet of the stable slowly began to resettle and I realised I was now alone, I felt another emotion beginning to arise; something I had been dreading — sadness. This itself was frustrating. Why on earth was I feeling such pitiful emotions towards a relationship I didn't care about to begin with. At least, that was what I told myself as I swallowed the urge to cry.

It was a brief distraction. Nothing more.

If anything, this only further proved the validity of the very ideals I had been living my entire life. Intimacy was all a lie—something that would only cause unnecessary and inevitable suffering. Just like now.

Slowly, I exhaled.

I had been right all along. The only person I could truly rely on in life was myself. Emotions, intimacy, the facade of love; they were nothing but a vulnerability to myself.

Forcibly pushing down any remnants of emotion within, I shook my head. How could I have been so stupid as to let my guard down, I inwardly scolded myself.

A sharp burst of pain jolted me back to reality. Lifting my tunic, I winced as my gaze fell onto the stitches that had torn when Maeglor shoved me, now a bloody mess.

Thank goodness Legolas didn't see this.

With a sharp inhale I carefully walked out of the stable, my hand over my wound. 

As the early morning sun slowly began to peek it's golden rays from behind the eastern horizon, I made my way up the steady incline of the hill. Ducking into our quarters, I spotted a first aid kit lying open on the table. Careful not to awaken Merry or Gimli who still lay asleep on the floor, I grabbed the kit along with a wooden bowl, before quietly exiting the room once more.

Walking around the building, I found myself standing on a stone balcony facing the mountains of the north-west. I deeply inhaled, the crisp morning air entering my lungs as I faced the gradually lightening sky. Towards the west, the midnight blue of night was slowly pushed out of the sky by the pastel wash of rose and violet, accompanied by the occasional splashes of brilliant gold and orange hues.

The new day had finally come.

But despite this, the events of the past could not so easily be pushed aside as the darkness of night. It didn't matter how beautiful the new dawn was. I was still barely holding on.

Sitting down upon the wooden bench, I set down the medical kit. Lifting my shirt, I regarded the blood-stained wound on my stomach.

First I needed to clean the wound before assessing it.

Filling the wooden bowl with water from my flask, I dipped the cloth into it. After wringing the excess water, I began to wipe the bloodied skin around the wound.

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