65| breaking silence

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Firstly, we're so close to 200k reads its insane! Thank you for everyone's continued support, I love you guys <3

Secondly, this chapter is dedicated to siaxrose! I love seeing people engaging and commenting because hopefully it means you are enjoying the story so far! i hope you continue to read on, because this chapter is for you!

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The guards' grips around my arms were tight as I let myself be led towards the main tent, trying to ignore the stares from the surrounding guards still outside. Once again, I knew that I could easily overpower these two men. I could easily escape, and try to pursue Maeglor. But what was the point—chasing after someone who, at the moment, did not wish to be found?

A guard pulled open the flap of the king's tent, allowing the two men to walk me inside. Before us was a large wooden table, a map strewn over its surface, various markings and arrows scrawled over the hand-drawn mountains and land-forms. Around this table stood Aragorn, Théoden and a few men that I did not recognise, a serious expression on their faces as they quietly discussed something inaudible.

Upon our entrance, Théoden glanced up, his brows furrowing upon seeing us.

"What is the meaning of this?" He gestured towards me, causing everyone else to look up from the map as well.

I could feel everyone's eyes on me, including Aragorn's.


A look of concern instantly flashed across his expression upon seeing the bloody scrape on my cheek and how I was being restrained, but before he could do anything, Théoden held up his hand, stopping him, as if to give his guards a chance to explain themselves.

To my annoyance, the blonde one just tightened his grip around my arm and shoulder.

"M'lord, we caught her consorting with an elven commander of the enemy's forces." He reported, earning eyebrow raises from everyone.

"Maeglor..." Aragorn quietly muttered in realisation as his eyes met mine, as if trying to verify if this was indeed the truth.

But I just averted my gaze towards the ground, unable to meet his gaze. I knew he probably expected me to deny the claims, and I did not want to see the disappointment in his eyes when I eventually did not.

The second brown-haired man spoke up.

"And when we tried to stop him, she attacked us, allowing the enemy to escape!"

The men exchanged glances, and I pursed my lips as I heard my name floating amidst hushed whispers.

Théoden turned back to me.

"Is this true, Daeriel?" He questioned, finally asking the question I knew was coming.

I could not help but scoff.

I could lie. And I knew Aragorn would defend me if I did. I could just as easily deny that any of this had happened, and I could easily spin a tale that the guards had simply seen it wrong.

But I knew that would only dig myself into a whole too deep for me to climb out of. And in the end, I was doing all this for us, for our good. So why should I conceal the truth?

"When you say it like that, obviously it sounds bad." I scowled, sending a pointed glare to the two men restraining me. "I was only trying to acquire information from him."

The king raised a brow.

"...And yet you attacked my guards and allowed the enemy to escape?" Théoden questioned with a tilt of his head. "Who's to say that you are not just playing directly into his hands, leading all of my men into a trap they cannot walk away from?"

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