60| the catalyst

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This chapter is dedicated to Satanwantstobeme! Thank you for all your votes, and I hope you continue to enjoy reading this book!

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As Maeglor told me the story of his mother, I could sense the impenetrable walls that surrounded him slowly begin to crumble. I could see the vulnerability in his eyes, feel the pain that etched away in his voice, and just for a second, he was just a young elf, innocent, his childhood stolen from him.

Just like me.

A single tear rolled down his cheek, and he hastily wiped it away. Standing to his feet, Maeglor turned around to face the open window, as if to conceal any more tears that threatened to fall.

I couldn't find the word on my tongue. I couldn't express the kind of emotions that were churning through my heart; a mixture of sympathy and shock that my mind struggled to process.

My father was...

I found myself unable to finish that thought, unable to find a suitable label for the deeds my father had done.

"Maeglor...I'm sorry..." I murmured, my voice quiet.

Maeglor just shook his head, placing his hands on the stone windowsill as he leaned against it.

"No, it's not your fault." He swallowed. "They betrayed me. Not you. They tore my life apart."

Letting out an prolonged exhale, Maeglor straightened up his posture, as if trying to regain control of his emotions.

As if trying to regain his mask, his façade of control and strength.

When he turned back around, his voice was low.

"They treated me like my ancestors; like a traitor, so why not follow in their footsteps and become what they feared most."

He shook his head, a cold chuckle falling from his lips.

" Why not become a traitor?"

Slowly, the reason why Maeglor did what he did began to grow clear.

Maladros took everything from him. My father took everything from him. His life, his people, his friends, his father...

His mother.

For centuries, this question had haunted every waking moment, plagued my every dream and nightmare, and now, I was finally beginning to understand.

"That's why you betrayed us and sided with Sauron." I realised.

Maeglor nodded slowly as he leaned his back against the stone wall, the fire casting a smouldering glow on his grim expression.

"His methods may be...harsh, but at that moment, as the orcs ambushed me, I realised that siding with Sauron didn't seem so bad after all compared to everything Maladros had put me through."

I shook my head, softening my tone as I searched through his grey eyes.

"Why...why didn't you tell me?"

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