67| celebrían

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I'm sorry this took so long to get out, I spent so long writing the chapter, and then realised it was way too long and had to be split into two! So as compensation for the long wait, I'll be releasing the next part only a few days after this!

This chapter is dedicated to badonkedonk_ . Thank you so much for your outpouring support, I greatly appreciate the time you've given to this book!

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As we stepped out of the tent, I felt Tirwald's glare burning through me. I just continued to walk, trying to suppress the small twinge of guilt at what he had told me about his son.

"I have settled the men's grievance with you to the best of my abilities." Elrond explained as we continued to walk. "However, it would be in your best interest to avoid any future conflict."

He shot me a sidelong glance.

"With the forces of Sauron closing in, tensions are high enough as is."

I pursed my lips with a nod.

"I will certainly...try."

We continued to talk as we made our way down the pathway, the surprisingly frigid air a shock against my skin, causing me to inadvertently wrap my cloak tighter around my body. It was usually never this cold during this time of year, but times were changing. Something seemed to draw the very warmth from the air, and I had a good idea as to what.

Elrond paused outside what seemed to be a large opening in the mountain face. A narrow, winding path seemed to lead into it, flanked by tall jagged stone on either side, before disappearing into the mist and smog that shrouded the further reaches. A shiver ran through my body.

I rubbed my forearms as I squinted, trying to make out what was further down the path.

A dark, ominous whisper seemed to brush against my ears, and I immediately took a step back.

"What is down there?" I asked, narrowing my eyes.

However, it almost felt as if I could not let my gaze linger too long. The longer I stared, the more the swirls of fog and mist seemed to take shape into something else. Something...eerie.

"It is not a question of what, but who." Elrond answered rather vaguely. "This is the Path of the Dead, and it is where I have urged Aragorn to seek out those who still reside in the mountains.

I turned to look at Elrond, furrowing my brows.

"The oathbreakers?"

"Yes. We are in dire need of reinforcements," came Elrond's grim reply. "As such, Aragorn, the elf and the dwarf are on their way now."

"And you wish for me to go and join them?" I assumed.

Elrond just nodded in confirmation.

"However, not down this path," he added, before continuing to walk, "as I fear you will not survive the journey alone."

Internally, I couldn't be more glad that I would not be traversing down that cursed pathway by myself.

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