11| the lady of light

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The shadow of the forest came into view, and I watched the grass of the meadow dissolve into the undergrowth of the forest as the trees of Lothlorien forest loomed over us. I sat upon Aldion's back, for fear that the poison would slow me down.

The forests always instilled a sense of wonder within me as I travelled amongst the trees, their roots hugging the earth, branches grasping the sky. The whole forest was bathed in a golden light, and the flowers seemed to glow, luminous with a soft white glow. Throughout this forest, there was an ancient entity that stretched into everything that grew, the power of Nenya, one of the three ancient elven rings, coursing through the entire forest.

However, with every step travelled, I felt my head grow heavier and heavier, feeling more and more of the poison that polluted my bloodstream. I did not regret treating my wound now, for if I had not, I would have succumbed to the poison ages ago.

"You alright lassie? You're as pale as the snow." Gimli asked.

"Couldn't be better," I breathed. Gimli narrowed his eyes but nodded.

As we trailed deeper into the forest, the dwarf eyed the place nervously.

"Stay close young hobbits!" he warned as he beckoned for the hobbits, "They say that a great sorceress lives in these woods, an Elf-witch, of terrible power. All who look upon her, fall under her spell and are never seen again."

To give Gimli credit, what he said was true, with the exception of falling under her spell.

The Lady of Light was an ancient elf, bearer of the Ring of Nenya, and the only living child of High King of the Noldor* Finarfin, surpassing all others in beauty, wisdom and power. I had the blessing of being in her presence once before on my travels with the company of Thorin Oakenshield, and my ideals of beauty were forever redefined when I laid eyes upon her.

However, I couldn't find the strength to rebut the Dwarf's words. My peripheral vision had grown hazy, and all I could focus on was my unsteady breathing and Aldion's footfalls.

"Well, here is one Dwarf she won't ensnare so easily," he eyed the area with suspicion, scanning the surroundings, "I have the eyes of a hawk and the ears of a fox!"

Out of nowhere, I was faced with the point of an arrowhead directly aimed at my chest. My breath snagged and my vision swirled at the sudden decrease in pace.

"Oh..." Gimli trailed off.

"You were saying?" I deadpanned.

A tall golden-haired figure stepped out from amongst the dark haze of the archers. My head was throbbing like the beating of a drum, and my wound felt unnaturally hot underneath the bandages.

"The dwarf breathes so loud, we could have shot him in the dark," he remarked with contempt.

His voice sounded so distant, as if I was trapped underwater. I could feel my grip on Aldion's fur weakening.

"We seek safe travels and aid as..." Aragorn's voice faded into a dull murmur as I fought against the dizziness that was threatening to overtake my mind and body.

It was a losing battle.

As the poison triumphed my senses, I watched the skies and canopies above me swirl uncontrollably, feeling a wave of nausea wash over me as every limb began to feel so inexplicably heavy. I could not hold on any further, as I felt myself slip off the side of the wolfhound, feeling my body fall towards the ground.

The floor sped towards me, but before I could collide, I felt a pair of arms catch me. Exclamations rang throughout the fellowship as black spots dotted across my vision, my ears picking up on distorted segments of Sindarin speech.

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