22| théoden's return

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This chapter is dedicated to Daniela_garzThank you so much for reading, hope you enjoy it so far because it's about to get better :)

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We continued on our journey to Edoras, the sky a brilliant blue, not a cloud in sight. The surrounding mountains passed slowly by as we rode across the plains, standing tall and still as they scraped the sky with their snow-tipped peaks.

My mind continued to churn through Gandalf's words. How did such a powerful artefact fall into the hands of the likes of myself? I was not noble, like Aragorn, I didn't perform a heroic act, like Boromir, I wasn't even poised or dignified, like Legolas.

I had caused the death of my father, and had watched helplessly at the death of Boromir.

But would either outcome have changed if I had used Amarya?

I pushed the thought aside as Edoras finally came into view. We stopped.

Ahead of us, the land rose into a hill, a fence surrounding the base. Small houses dotted along the slopes, and a path wound up the hill until it reached a single hall, sitting alone at the peak. Meduseld, where the formerly-great King Théoden lived.

Now, it was nothing more than a den for Saruman, an extra addition to Isenguard, if you will.

"Edoras and the Golden Hall of Meduseld," announced Gandalf, regarding the city with disdain. "There dwells Théoden, King of Rohan, whose mind is overthrown. Saruman's hold over King Théoden is now very strong."

"Can you expel Saruman's presence from there?" I asked, squinting a bit to get a better view of the city in the distance.

The town seemed void of liveliness and mirth, and I could make out people slowly milling about.

"I am going to have to try," Gandalf grimly replied, "for the sake of all of Middle Earth. Rohan's downfall will just be one step closer to the crumbling of the free peoples' strength and will."

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Gimli shifted restlessly behind Legolas. "Let us go and kick the wizard out then!"

"Not so fast," warned Gandalf. "You must be careful what you say. Do not look for welcome here."

With those words of warning, we set off.

As we came to the outside of the walls, a flag drifted from the sky, sinking to the ground, the once-proud emblem of the kingdom falling amongst the dirt, a sorrowful symbol of the tragedy that had befallen this land.

I thought back to Éomer's words. Hope had indeed forsaken this land. Or so it would seem.

As we entered the city and ascended the stone pathway, I observed the city. It was as if a blanket of dreariness had settled over the town and its inhabitants. There was no colour, no laughter, no trace that this once was a thriving settlement for the race of men.

I felt the suspicious stares of many people on my back as they stopped their work to glare at us with narrowed eyes. I shifted uncomfortably on Aldion's back.

Gazing up at the hall that sat on the peak of the hill, I caught sight of a lone figure standing outside the hall, her white dress billowing in the wind, her golden hair the last shred of colour left in this town. I could almost sense her sorrow.

"You'll find more cheer in a graveyard," Gimli muttered from behind Legolas as their horse plodded along the stone path. I nodded in agreement, unsettled by the stagnant silence that plagued the town.

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