13| the river

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We stood by the shores of the Anduin River, the water glistening invitingly as it ran over the rocks and pebbles with excitement. Three boats awaited, rocking gently as the water pushed it back and forth like a mother rocking an infant to sleep. The trees above cast shifting shadows onto the ground and a light warm breeze tousled my ebony hair that fell about my face.

The glow of the morning sun warmed me to my bones as we awaited the coming of the Lord and Lady. My companions stood beside me, dressed in fresh clothing, spirits a little higher than when we arrived.

As we waited, I could feel my hands fiddling with my hairpiece as a mixture of both excitement and anxiety flooded through my body.

I looked up to see Celeborn and Aragorn emerge from within the forest. The Lady Galadriel appeared as well, radiating a soft white light to all who looked upon her, followed by a party of elegantly poised elves, carrying supplies and other items.

As Aragorn joined us, the Lord Celeborn spoke as elves fastened cloaks around our necks, pinned by a singular brooch in the shape of a green, silver-veined leaf.

Celeborn's voice rang as he spoke.

"Never before have we clad strangers in the garb of our own people. May these cloaks help shield you from unfriendly eyes."

Galadriel regarded the Fellowship.

"With this Fellowship, stands a great hope in the bonds between the First and Second Born of Ilúvatar, hobbits and the Naugrim." she addressed us, her voice ringing, smooth and untroubled.

She paused, her eyes meeting mine.

"You walk with the fate of all Middle Earth resting upon your shoulders. Do not stray from your path; fly with the blessings of the Lord and Lady of Light behind you."

She approached Legolas.

"My gift for you, Legolas, is a bow of the Galadhrim, worthy of the skill of our woodland kin."

She presented him with an exquisite bow, slender in shape, with ornate carvings engraved onto the wood, its curves resembling that of a bird in flight. Legolas took the bow, and I watched with a slight smile as he admired the bow with enchantment, enthralled by such a seemingly simple object, a child-like fascination in his eyes.

Next, she walked to Merry and Pippin, presenting them with two daggers and their sheaths. As Merry unsheathed it, the wickedly sharp blade caught the light, and intricate designs swirled around the rich mahogany handle.

"These are the daggers of the Noldorin. They have already seen service in war."

She glanced at Pippin with a warm, reassuring expression.

"Do not fear, young Peregrin Took. You will find your courage."

The Lady then turned to Sam.

"And for you, Samwise Gamgee: Elven rope, made of hithlain."

Sam accepted the smooth grey rope.

"Thank you, My Lady," he replied, before glancing at Merry and Pippin, who were far too busy admiring their new daggers to notice.

"Have you run out of those nice, shiny daggers?" Sam asked hopefully.

"Sam..." I chuckled. "Magic rope."

"Right, right, thank you!"

He nodded his head in understanding, before beginning to inspect his new rope.

The Lady smiled, which shone like the stars in the sky, enough to light up Lothlorien in itself.

Her hair sparkled in the sunlight like molten gold and silver cascading down her shoulders, beneath the poignant blues and whites and greens of the forest as she approached Gimli, who diverted his eyes downwards.

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