37| Return to Edoras

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This chapter is dedicated to xMarauderBillieBlack

I love you so much, thanks for your comments, your votes, your engagement, it really makes my day to be able to interact with you and see that you're enjoying my book. 

Now. Onto the story.

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The sun was lowering as we rode to Edoras. The valley was ringed by great peaks rising towards the heavens, creating a bold silhouette against the rosy hues of the sunset sky. The White Mountains broke the skyline in craggly, snow-capped peaks, flanking both sides of us like the great spines of the land as they receded into the distance.

And in the middle of it all was Edoras.

I took in the breathtakingly splendid views that surrounded us. At least there was still good in this world.

Aldion slowed to a trot alongside the other members of the King's party as we approached the entrance of the city.

"It's the King!" A voice cried. "They've returned."

Immediately, the wooden gates to the city creaked open.

Finally, we were home. At least, they were home.

I was allocated my own temporary chambers, and some of the women had graciously prepared a warm bath for me.

I let out a breath of relief as I shed my dirty clothes, before sinking into the warm embrace of the water. My black hair spread out around me like drops of ink in the water, and I gently ran my fingers through my locks, scrubbing my hair and massaging my scalp, letting the dirt and dust wash away alongside all the stress and worries of the past few days.

I closed my eyes. For once, it was peaceful.

It felt like eons until I realised that the water was getting cold. As I reluctantly stepped out of the tub, I felt the cool air against my bare skin and the cold floor beneath my toes. Shivering slightly, I wrapped a towel around my bare body.

There was a knock on the door, and Éowyn called out from behind.

"May I come in?"

"Sure." I replied.

Eowny stepped inside, a trunk in her hands.

"Oh, my apologies, I didn't realise that-"

"It's fine," I waved my hand, before sitting on the bed, the towel still wrapped around me. "How may I help you?"

"Well," She shut the door behind her, before setting the trunk in her hand down upon the bed. "I was wondering if you would like to borrow some of my clothes..."

She gestured to the pile of clothes I had worn at Helms Deep. "...seeing as yours must have gone through quite a lot."

I chuckled, glancing at the blood and muck staining the fabric. "You're not wrong."

She smiled, opening the trunk. "I also brought a dress for you, for tonight's feast, of course. They are not as elegant as what you're used to, I'm sure, but I guess it will have to do."

I smiled at her offer..

"Thank you, Éowyn."

The chest contained all sorts of clothes, along with a purple coloured dress.

"You know, you didn't have to do this."

"I thought that the purple would match your hair and eyes," she winked.

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