20| a broken heart

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This chapter is dedicated to AlexMcCall620Thank you so much got your ongoing support!

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With the immense and crushing weight of guilt lifted slightly off my shoulders, we walked amidst the undergrowth of the forest, the gloom alleviating slightly with the newfound relief that the hobbits were safe. Aldion padded silently beside me, as usual.

"One stage of your journey is over, another begins," Gandalf spoke as we walked. "War has come to Rohan. We must ride to Edoras with all speed."

"Edoras?" Gimli exclaimed in disbelief. "That is no short distance!"

"At least we are not running that distance," I retorted, before turning to Gandalf. "Saruman has achieved dominion over Rohan by enslaving the King's mind. He has even banished his own nephew."

Rohan was essentially leaderless, a puppet at the hands of Saruman as their king. The strength of their kingdom must be restored. I would not wish Eomer's fate upon any other; banished from the very halls he called home. That is where we would come in: to fix things.

"The King's disease will not be easily cured," Gandalf stated gravely.

"So we have run all this way for nothing?" Gimli asked. "Are we to leave those poor hobbits in this horrid, dark, dank, tree-infested-"

He was interrupted by the angry rumbling of trees echoing around the forest. Aldion flicked his ears.

"-I mean...charming...quite charming forest."

"It was more than mere chance that brought Merry and Pippin to Fangorn," Gandalf explained, "A great power has been sleeping here for many long years. The coming of Merry and Pippin will be like the falling of small stones that starts an avalanche in the mountains."

I raised an eyebrow, shooting a glance at Aragorn, who just smiled.

"In one thing you have not changed, dear friend," he whispered to Gandalf, who leant in to listen. "You still speak in riddles."

The wizard and Aragorn chuckled together. I felt a sense of warmth blooming within my heart like the first buds of spring. I had not heard my brother laugh for many days, or even seen him smile.

Unfortunately, at that very moment, my inner clumsiness decided to resurface one more time, and I felt my foot catch on a root concealed by fallen leaves. I fell to the forest floor with an audible thud.

With a groan, I pushed myself up, cursing the tree that tripped me, hearing it's deep groan of protest.

Legolas' eyes were bright with mirth, and Aragorn chuckled.

"Well, that is something else that has not changed."

He offered me his hand, which I swat away. I could feel my cheeks reddening as I stood to my feet, brushing the soil and leaves off my clothes to try and regain some of my dignity.

"The tree tripped you. They are alive and moving!" exclaimed Gimli in a hushed tone, erratically scanning the surrounding trees, as if they could launch a surprise attack at any moment. I could not help but roll my eyes and smile.

Gandalf smiled.

"Indeed, Master Dwarf. A thing is about to happen here that has not happened since the Elder Days. The Ents are going to wake up and find that they are strong."

"Strong?" Gimli stiffened, almost visibly paling after hearing such terrifying news. "...Oh...that's good..."

He chuckled nervously.

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