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All day yesterday Sunghoon had absolutely refused to speak to me, let alone be in the same room. Any time I had walked into a room he was in, he would just walk straight out once again. But at least today was the last day of the lunar holidays, so I won't be living directly with it every day. It would still be there, but he would be forced to practice in the same room as me, but I would be able to take my mind off of things by practicing.

In a way it did hurt that he kept ignoring me like that, but Jay had explained to me how Sunghoon saw it all. He had refused to hear the whole story, and had just assumed I had told them all a fake birthday from the very start, when in reality I didn't know.

"Earth to Hannie, are you there?" Jake cooed waving his hand in front of my face making me blink a few times and snap my head over to look at him.

"Sorry, I went into my own thoughts for a moment there," I excused with a small smile.

"Hannie, it's awfully clear you're beside yourself... and I can't tell whether it's because of the lawsuit or because Sunghoon has ignored you for the past... 32 hours," Jake stated and I just shrugged at him.

"I guess it's a combination," I excused with a small smile, "it's not exactly fun when you need your safe place, but your safe place does everything to avoid you."

"I'll be your new safe place noona," Niki beamed from the other couch, making me look over at him with a small smile.

"I don't think it's that easy," Sunoo shook his head at the younger boy, "Hana obviously feels the most comfortable in Sunghoon hyungs embrace, but he won't even be in the same room as her."

"Friendly reminder, thank you," I nodded at him.

"Sorry," Sunoo sheepishly smiled at me.

"It's good," I assured and waved it off, "I guess I can always have fun and distract myself by guessing when I will get a call from the co-" my voice was cut off by my phone ringing, making me scramble to pull it out and immediately widen my eyes at our manager calling me, "shit, shit, shit... bloody hell," I muttered before rushing up on my feet and taking the phone, "what is it? Is it anything new?" I questioned as I rushed down to the kitchen, where Jungwon, Heeseung and Sunghoon stood, "did court finally reply?" I questioned and nodded for the boys to exit the kitchen.

Heeseung quickly grabbed onto the shoulders of Sunghoon and Jungwon before quickly directing them out along with him, and I closed the door behind them.

"They've reviewed your case and have decided to follow through with it," our manager stated and I let out a small smile, "they've set the first court date for next month, and have removed your brother from your mom."

"No..." I shook my head.

"They've moved him to a foster family that was ready to take anyone in, who needed it," my manager assured and I let out a small breath of relief, "they're currently looking into his papers to see if there was any falsification of his work certificate as well. If there is, he'll have a chance to add that onto your lawsuit."

"What will the punishment be for that?" I questioned making it go silent on the other end.

"Per falsification it is maximal the 25.000£ or three years jail," my manager replied, "so in the end she can end with a fine on 50.000£ or six years jail."

"Okay..." I let out a small breath, "thank you for telling me."

"I've given the court your number, told them to contact that one instead from now on. So that I won't have to pass everything on to you," my manager excused as I just nodded with a small hum.

"Thank you," I stated.

"Any time, I'll let you return to whatever you were doing. I'm a bit busy lately," he excused before the line went dead.

I let out a small laugh of disbelief of my brother being taken in by a foster family and that my case actually got accepted. I took a deep breath before rushing back to the living room and sat down on the couch beside Jake, where I had sat before the phone call.

"So?" Jungwon questioned as he and Sunghoon had been guided down there by Heeseung. Sunghoon had immediately stood up to return to the kitchen once I had sat down by Jake.

"You look awfully happy, considered to how you looked before," Jake stated with a small frown.

"Ethan was taken in by a foster family, my case got accepted. First court day is next month, my brother can add onto it if his papers were falsified as well, doubling the maximal penalty," I quickly gushed making him widen his eyes.

"Doubled penalty?" Jay questioned and I just nodded as Jake threw his arms around me in excitement.

"Hold on... explain," Heesueng frowned over at me.

"And you're staying and actually listening to what is happening," Jay stated and grabbed Sunghoon's collar and pull him back into the living room, making me glance over at the two before turning to Heeseung.

"So... a foster family had stood ready to take in an emergency child, which Ethan was categorized as, when they removed him. So right now he's with a foster family," I happily explained.

"Okay, so whoever Ethan is got a foster family, hallelujah, can I go now?" Sunghoon dully questioned making my smile falter as I looked over to him.

"If you're gonna be a jerk and not actually listen to what is happening I don't even want you here," Jay shook his head and let go of Sunghoon, who quickly walked off, "continue," Jay gestured towards me and I gave him a small nod.

"So now they're also checking his papers, if his is falsified as well he can add onto my lawsuit. For now the first court date is somewhere next month," I happily explained to Heeseung.

"But this is wonderful," Heeseung stated and I just nodded at him, "you'll finally get back at your mom for all she's done to you."

"Yeah... I guess," I muttered as my smile fell.

"Isn't that... isn't that what you wanted?" he hesitantly questioned and I just shrugged in realization.

"I'm actually suing my own mom," I muttered, "I mean... what kid does that?"

"Ah..." Heeseung slowly trailed off, "Jake pat her head for me, will you?" Heeseung questioned making Jake move an arm up to pat my head before giving me a small squeeze once more, "Hana, what you've done is the right thing to do and what was the only thnig to do."

"But... I'm probably hurting her too," I realized making him let out a hum at me.

"You still care... even after everything," Jay stated and I just nodded at him.

"How can I not?" I questioned with a small laugh, "isn't that how it works?"

"Matter of fact is, Hana has too much love and pureness in her little body, and so she feels terrible about it," Sunoo waved it off before looking over at me with a frown, "god it's weird to not call you noona anymore."

"I never told you to stop, I gave you the option yourself," I shrugged making him let out a hum as he frowned and went into deep thought about it.

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