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January 2021

I silently sat in the living room, working on some test papers. I might as well try and keep my academics level up, even though I would not be going to school yet or ever. I still wasn't sure, my mom hasn't picked up my phone at any point.

"Noona, you got letters!" Jungwon called out from the kitchen making me look up and hesitantly move out to the kitchen where the daily mail was distributed between all of us.

"Alright... package for Jay," Heeseung began distributing, "and Niki... letter for Hana... looks fancy," Heeseung commented and handed me teh envelope with the swirly handwriting and red wax stamp on the back.

"Is it your penpal?" Jay commented in amusement, making me turn around the envelope to check what the return address was.

"Take a guess on what the return address is," I shrugged at him.

"What? Am I supposed to say Buckingham... or whatever it is that it's called?" he questioned in amusement once more.

"Well, you woudn't be wrong," I shrugged at him.

"Can you say it? Can you please just say it," Jake begged eagerly as I was about to open the envelope. I glanced up at him and he just stared at me with wide eyes making me let out a sigh.

"Let's see then," I spoke up making him widely grin at the other boys.

"I am telling you, we have our very own Hermione Granger," Jake proudly boasted, making me let out a small laugh as I carefully opened the envelope and pulled out the letter.

I carefully placed the envelope on teh table as both Niki and Jay got to open their packages. My eyes scanned over the very first lines, before my eyes widened and I choked on my own saliva.

"Anyone knows mouth to mouth?" Heeseung questioned as I was coughing.

"Eh... let Sunghoon-ie hyung take care of it," Niki waved it off, making said boy just stare at him in betrayal.

"What is it noona?" Sunoo turned to me as I managed to stop coughing.

"I have to sit down," I muttered and quickly rushed over and sat down in the nearest chair as I continued reading the letter with a small frown on my face.

I sat and read the letter carefully as I could feel all the boys standing and staring at me, before I let out a small sigh.

"So?" Jay questioned in anticipation.

"Exactly how long is it since we debuted?" I questioned them as I looked at each of them, and immediately made Sunoo count on his fingers.

"Two months when we reach the 30th," Jungwon spoke up, "so another week and we hit two months."

"Why?" Niki frowned down at me.

"I... uhm... I don't know honestly," I admitted to them with a small frown, "I'm confused myself."

"Read to us... will you? It's in English, right?" Jake questioned and I just nodded at him, "then read and we... or I'll try help you understand."

"No, no. I understand what is written, I'm just... confused as to why," I pointed out to him.

"Read!" he exclaimed at me with an eager expression.

"You have to stay calm down," I warned him and he eagerly nodded at me and leaned his arms on the table.

"It's not bad... is it?" Heeseung questioned.

"It's from royalty, why in the world would it be bad?" Jay questioned him in disbelief.

"Maybe they want to execute her," Niki shrugged.

"Hush... read," Jake urged and gestured to me, "from the top."

"To the dear Audrey Edin Hepburn

It is now, after I've seen your debut in the music industry I'll now step down from writing you letters.


Queen Elizabeth || of Great Britain," I carefully read before glancing up at the boys. Heeseung seemed to have understood parts of it, meanwhile Jay stood and just blinked at me and Jake had widened his eyes.

"So... are we gonna get a translation?" Sunoo spoke up.

"So the Queen doesn't want to write you letters anymore," Jay stated and I just nodded as the other boys widened their eyes at me as well.

"But that means... she just won't be your penpal... right?" Jake stated and I hummed at him.

"Technically no," I shook my head.

"Oh..." he realized.

"But I don't get why," I explained.

"Ah... you're now working in Korea and not in England... that's probably why she can't support it, right?" Jungwon spoke up and I simply shrugged.

"Ah, that actually makes sense," I nodded in realization.

"It does, doesn't it?," Niki commented and I just sighed.

"But I just... enjoyed... I actually liked those tea arrangements," I muttered to myself.

"Well... we could just make our own then," Heeseung stated and I let out a small laugh at him.

"That sounds pretty fun to be honest," I nodded in agreement.

"But are you writing back?" Jake questioned making me shrug.

"I honestly don't know," I admitted and looked down at the letter in my hands, "I don't think I'm expected to answer to it."

"Hyung say something to her," Sunoo sighed and nudged Sunghoon's arm, as he just stared at me in shock.

"It's the whole name revelation all over again," Jay commented and snapped his fingers in front of Sunghoon's face, making him snap back to reality.

"I think I have to sit down as well," Sunghoon stated as he looked around himself before Jay was quick to pull out a stool for him, to which Sunghoon just plopped down on and stared straight out into the air, "I can't handle this relationship if there keeps on coming these things... the Queen."

"Calm down... you're just dating her, not actually her," Jake patted Sunghoon's shoulder before he turned back to me, "so now I'll try and talk some sense into you... since your boyfriend is..." he looked down at Sunghoon, "clearly beside himself."

"Before we know it he'll begin screaming about pork," Jungwon commented with a small snicker.

"Right... Hana, you're writing back on that letter," Jake turned back to me and I just immediately shook my head.

"I can't," I stated, "I don't think I'm writing back."

"Maybe I didn't make myself clear... Edin you're taking that title," he sternly stated and I just shook my head at him.

"You are aware that if I did they could do something... they are the royal family," I reminded him.

"We can't convince you otherwise, can we?" he questioned as I simply just shook my head at him.

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