Low (3)

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Sunghoon's expression immediately softened as he saw me looking at him. I quickly walked backwards and sat back on the bed with the duvet over me and my knees tugged up to my chest.

"Ah... what have I done?" Sunghoon sighed and slid against the door until he sat on the floor, "did I make you cry?"

"No... I did," I quietly admitted and dabbed my eyes with my sleeves.

"You... made yourself cry...?" Sunghoon frowned at me making me sigh.

"No, but it's just-" I paused and let out a frustrated huff as I felt the tears well up in my eyes again, "like... I just... I love you but I know I can't stay if things are going to turn like this," I complained and continued to whipe away my tears, "I just thought... I thought I finally had found my safe place,.. but now I'm not sure anymore and I know I should just calm down and relax because it was just a slap an-"

"I'm going to stop you right there," Sunghoon sighed making me immediately shut up as I covered my mouth with my hands, "Hana it was not just a slap... I actually hit you... I hurt you. It is not something to diminish, don't you dare diminish it."

"But-" I started and he just shook his head at me.

"No, don't you dare," he warned before his face softened again, "it's a serious issue that I hit you... it's not something you down play. I never..." he sighed as he began fiddling with his hands, "I never thought I could do what I did and I really hate myself right now for sending you to whatever place you are in. Just know... I can tell you right now that I'll never do it again and then break the promise. I don't want to give you a promise... because I can't... I can't let myself break another promisse to you... I just don't can't, and I won't."

"I don't even get what you're trying to say," I commented as he let out a small laugh and nodded in agreement.

"Neither do I," he assured me, "I just... oh my..." he quickly wiped away tears that fell from his eyes, "now I'm crying too... no but what I was saying... I don't know what I'm saying either... I'm just... I'm saying everything on my mind right now hoping something smart will come out that'll tell me what I can do to avoid it in the future or a way that we can stay together... I really don't want to-" he paused as he looked up at me and his eyes immediately widened.

"What?" I questioned as he quickly got up on his feet and opened the door behind him. "what?" I questioned once more.

"Wait here," he eagerly spoke before just running off.

I sat in confusion for quite a while, trying to figure out what he had seen that possibly could've made him run off like that. My question was soon answered when he returned with a pack of frozen peas her quickly wrapped up in a cloth.

"Sorry... your cheek was really red and I'm scared there'll be a bruise," he excused and was about to walk over towards me, before just freezing in his spot, "can I... can I come closer?"

"Yeah," I nodded and he slowly walked over and sat down on the edge of the bed so that he sat an arm's length away from me, softly holding the ice pack up to my cheek, "you really want us to work out... don't you?"

"More than anything," he let out a deep breath before wiping his eyes with his free hand, "I can't believe I did what I actually did."

"If we... if we settle this now let's not ever speak about this again," I softly spoke making him widen his eyes before opening his mouth to oppose, "don't tell me I'm diminishing it Park Sunghoon. I acknowledge what you did and it will stay in the back of my mind for a long time, but right now I am giving you your very last chance and if you want this as badly as I do, if you love me at least the half of what I love you, then you're going to accept this idea right now."

"I swear on my dead body I'll never hurt you like this again," he spoke with wide eyes, "I swear."

"Does this mean I get to kill you if I you hurt me again?" I questioned making a small smile spread on his face.

"I actually wouldn't mind," he admitted making me just look at him in disbelief, "you know how mad and disappointed I get by myself by just saying the wrong things during your period."

"So as insane as it sounds we'll just leave this for tonight and not speak of it again?" I questioned making him pull in a deep breath before he quietly nodded.

"I am so terribly sorry," he breathed out.

"I know," I hummed and grabbed the icepack from his hand and adjusted it's placement on my cheek, "but we're not both sleeping in here tonight."

"I know..." he assured, "Jungwon told me to take his bed, he'll sleep beside Heeseung hyung or someone else. I won't sleep in here before you tell me it's alright for me to do so again. Okay?"

"I'd like that," I nodded at him as he just looked at me with sad eyes.

"So we're settling this now... and then I'll go sleep in Jungwon's bed," he sighed and got up from the bed.

I frowned slightly at how his perfect posture suddenly seemed all slumped over, making me put down the ice pack.

"Sunghoon?" I spoke making him just hum in return and look over his shoulder at me, "can I get a hug before you go?" I questioned and spread my arms wide open.

"I don't think that's a good idea..." he shook his head with a sad smile spreading on his face.

"Please? I don't think I can't sleep without a hug from you," I excused making him sigh before looking down at his hands, "I don't think you'll hurt me, just please give me a hug."

"Okay..." Sunghoon nodded before sittingback down on the bed and wrapping his arms carefully around me.

"I know you're sorry... and you didn't mean to... but this is the last chance you get, don't mess up," I whispered making him just nod against my shoulder.

"Don't worry... I won't," he quietly assured and I just hummed before pecking his cheek.

"Now go before I actually let you sleep in here," I urged and let go of him as he just nodded and pulled away.

I quietly watched as he moved to the door and was about to open it before he let out another deep sigh and rubbed his eyes.

"I still love you Sunghoon... it's alright," I assured him and he just nodded his head before opening the door.

"I love you too... but I'm still mad at myself," he excused before quietly exiting the room and walking away.

I let out a deep sigh before placing the ice pack on the floor and just laying down on the bed thinking over everything while I convinced myself everything was going to be alright. Everything would be alright and next time he stepped over the line it was completely over, no extra chances.

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