Tics From the Past

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October 4, 2022

I quietly wandered around the hotel room, while Jake and Sunghoon set up the vlive for us to do. Meanwhile I was on my phone looking through Weverse, searching for anything we could talk about.

"It's on," Sunghoon called out, looking over at me in amusement as I glanced up from my phone and just nodded quietly.

"Yah, come over and sit by us," Jake urged and waved me over.

I hummed quietly before walking over to the couch they were sitting on. Immediately both boys moved to each their side so I could sit in the middle. I frowned slightly as I searched through a certain hashtag to find something to read out loud.

"Hana is on Weverse right now, so ask a whole lot of questions and we'll answer them," Jake urged and I nodded quietly while Sunghoon leaned over my shoulder to look at the comments while I calmly picked at my lips, "I'll look at comments then," Jake announced as I tilted my phone slightly for Sunghoon to see better.

"Jake you're too close," Sunghoon laughed noticing one of the newest posts on my phone mentioning a fan almost fainting due to how close Jake was.

"You like it when I'm close, yeah," Jake murmured as I reached out my leg and kicked him lightly while letting out a small laugh, "it's true! "

"You sounded like a perv! " I exclaimed in return while letting out a laugh as Sunghoon grabbed my phone and looked closely at it.

"People have seen you go to the hospital," Sunghoon murmured to me and I looked down at my phone, seeing the picture of me leaving the hospital yesterday.

"Ah!" I hummed and looked up once again, "guys, I'm fine. I went to the hospital the other day because I had a small accident on stage when we had our concert in Anaheim. I slipped on the stairs up to the stage again and injured my wrist. It was just a check up. I'm fine, just a bit sore... my wallet however is hurting badly."

"You should start a GoFundMe," Jake pointed out and sat back as I let out a small laugh and only nodded.

"But can you believe it? You saw the bill from the hospital!" I pointed out to him and he nodded, "why would I have to pay so much?"

"Because you're too used to free healthcare," Jake let out a small laugh and I only shrugged before looking back down at the phone, "ah the concert. There was something I wanted to talk about. I have this dream... I really want there to be like loads of bubbles when we sing Polaroid Love."

"Hm, bubbles," I murmured casually.

"I think it would be really nice with bubbles," Jake continued.

"Bubbles," I murmured once again getting a small laugh from Sunghoon, who I only elbowed in his stomach.

"Bubbles," Sunghoon whispered.

"Bubbles," I casually replied.

"Bubbles," he continued.

"Bubbles," and so did I.

"Bubbles," he started once again.

"Bubbles," I slowly paused after the umptenth time, "you little shit you know what you're doing!" I exclaimed at him in disbelief as I abruptly pulled away from him while he just laughed loudly at me.

"What? What's happening?" Jake questioned in confusion, pausing in the midst of his explanation of why we need bubbles in Polaroid Love.

"He's tricking me," I complained and pointed to Sunghoon, "keeps getting me to say bubbles."

"Bubbles," Sunghoon laughed quietly.

"Bubbles," I instinctively replied, unwillingly, "will you stop it!" I exclaimed at him in frustration before just falling over onto Jake with a small whine, "he's so mean to me Jakey, comfort me."

"How can he trick you into saying..." Jake trailed off in confusion.

"He knows about my bubble and turtle tic," I complained and scowled at Sunghoon who only chuckled and ran a hand through his hair.

"Your what?" Jake questioned.

"My bubble and turtle tic," I complained with a sigh while Jake just continued to look at me in confusion, "I had mild tourettes when I was a kid," I reminded him and he slowly nodded, "and two of my tics are still embedded in my subconsiousness I guess. So I'm triggered by the words and this little shit just knows how to push my buttons," I complained and pushed Sunghoon, who only let out another laugh.

"So when you say... any of the words..." Jake trailed off and I hummed with a small nod.

"I reply with them," I hummed before just sternly looking at Sunghoon as a warning, "and this imbicile thinks it's fun to take advantage of it."

"So it's not a tic... but..." Jake trailed off in confusion, "you don't have tourettes now?"

"I sort of grew out of it," I shook my head at him, "one of the lucky ones. I mean, it's not completely gone, but you don't notice it because it's just like moving in my fingers and like blinking... clenching my jaw. So it's nowhere near as bad as it has been. But exactly the ones with bubbles and turtle is like... as if it's become a bad habit to reply to it. I can't exactly stop myself but they don't feel like tics. Yeah I can't explain it. I give up. I don't have tourettes anymore, I did when I was a kid. Sometimes I like to say bubbles or turtle, that's it."

"You have to explain this to me, how did it not get you in trouble with the childhood you had?" Jake questioned and frowned as he blinked a few times at me.

"It did get me in trouble," I let out a small laugh, "but like... I had it mostly between the ages.... five to... probably thirteen or so, and then during puberty I somehow grew out of it... I suppose," I slowly explained before nodding eventually, "but it did get me in trouble. The trainers and my mom got very mad each time I ticked... not necessarily one over the other, they hated both. They got really angry if I did it during shows, which rarely happened, but that was when it was worst. Usually when I had my tics they would yell... yeah, not so happy with those."

"How come I didn't know you had... how?" Jake frowned as he stumbled over his own words and I merely shrugged.

"I honestly don't even know how Hoon found out," I admitted and gestured to Sunghoon, who only shrugged casually as he picked at his nails, "it's not even important it's what? About seven years since I grew out of them... if not more."

"Hmm... I'll have to use bubbles and turles around you some more then..." Jake murmured to himself and I immediately shoved his shoulder before letting out a small gasp, to which he just giggled in return.

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