Christmas Arrangements

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December 13, 2022

The cold wind was biting harshly in my cheeks as we wandered through the dimly lit streets towards the nearest park. Even though my hands were shoved deep down into my pockets and even covered inside woolen gloves, they still felt a little bit chilly.

"Are you really that cold?" Sunghoon chuckled from my side as we entered the park.

"Are you kidding? It's biting my cheeks," I complained and he only chuckled before reaching out a gloved hand and booping my nose with a finger.

"You look like Rudolph," he excused and I looked at him in disbelief.

"Why are we even taking this walk?" I eventually sighed and looked over at him as he sucked in a sharp breath and looked around.

Quickly he placed a hand on my back and guided me over to a swing set, carefully setting me down on one swing before moving over to the one beside me. I watched him with a small frown on his face while I pushed myself back and forth bit by bit.

"What is it?" I questioned as he wetted his lips and glanced around himself, "did I do something?"

"No, no, no," he quickly shook his head with a small chuckle as he looked down at the ground under his feet, "not at all... I just thought it would be best if we went out of the dorm to talk a bit."

"But..." I frowned slightly, "I don't get it."

"It's because... I know how you are and we need to talk about this properly," Sunghoon excused and I hummed quietly before giving him a small nod, requesting for him to go on, "my family requested that you celebrate Christmas with us, and I want to make it clear that it is not just me who is asking you to come... my family wants you to be there and were the first ones to bring it up."

"Oh..." I muttered.

"I just know how are you are.... you know... you don't really want to be a bother, but I thought that if I told you that it actually was my family that had offered the idea and not me, you wouldn't feel too bad about coming along," Sunghoon murmured quietly and I smiled softly before looking over at him, he was just awkwardly scratching the back of his neck and sending me a lopsided smile.

Eventually he had found the situation too awkward and just looked down at the snowclad ground underneath his feet - pushing himself back and forth softly. His smile slowly faltering as I kept looking over at him.

"Do you want me to come along?" I questioned and he hummed, glancing over at me with slightly raised eyebrows - shoving his hands into the pockets of his coat, "do you want me to come with you for Christmas? With your family?"

"You aren't serious, are you?" he snorted and I only shrugged, "of course I want you to come... Edin, you know I am determined to spend the rest of my life with you, why wouldn't I want you to come?"

"Because... maybe you didn't," I excused and he immediately shook his head as a wide grin spread on his face, "so you want me to go with you?"

"Yes," he sternly replied while grinning from ear to ear, the tip of his nose slowly turning red from the cold, "it would make me more happy than anything if you'd come with me. It would make my mom delighted and Yeji would have the time of her life with you around to help her tease me."

"And your dad?" I chuckled.

"If the rest of us is happy, so is he," he shrugged with a small smile, "very simple man."

"Does your dad even like me?" I chuckled and he looked funnily at me, "I've never had as long conversations with him as I've had with your mom and Yeji."

"My dad adores you," Sunghoon assured, "he is very fond of screenshoting our content and sending his favorite pictures of us to me. Mainly it is frames with just you or the both of us in them. A lot with both of us in them... here I'll find my favorite."

Sunghoon grinned widely as he got out his phone and sniffled slightly before turning it to the side and extending it towards me. On his screen was displayed a picture of the both of us laughing from about episode 47 of En O'Clock, in which I'm pretty sure I was admidst chasing him away while threatening to hit him - my fist was definitely raised as he ran off.

"My dad really liked this one," Sunghoon admitted and a small smile spread on my face, "so do I... I think it's because I was so happy at the time and you look so stubborn."

"You really know how to ruin a picture for me, don't you?" I complained and glanced over at him as he just let out a small laugh and turned off his phone, letting it fall back down into his pocket, before looking off towards the nearest streetlight.

"So you're gonna come with me for Christmas?" he questioned and I smiled softly.

"I would be more than delighted to," I nodded at him and he grinned widely before nodding - trying to pull his smile down and suppress, but failing immediately.

"And all the Christmasses after this one?" he questioned and I smiled softly at him.

"What if we break up?" I questioned and he immediately let out a small laugh.

"You know that's not gonna happen," he reminded and I chuckled in amusement as I stared over at him.

"Okay," I nodded and he arched a brow in return, "every Christmas from now on we'll spend together, whether or not it is with your family or just the two of us."

"Thank you," he muttered and I just smiled over at him.

Quickly I got up from my swing and ruched over to stand in front of him, only making him smile up at me in amusement - clearly questioning what I ws doing without saying a word.

"Come on," I urged and he just shrugged and chuckled quietly.

"What do you want me to do?" he questioned, glancing down at my hands as I extended both of them towards him.

"To take my hands you goof," I laughed and he reluctantly placed his gloved hands in mine, "are you gonna walk with me home or not?"

"Oh so you want to go home?" he teased loudly as I only rolled my eyes at him.

"I'm really freezing and if you don't get me home soon I'm gonna switch to English right away," I warned him and his smile immediately dropped.

"And we're walking home," he announced and got up from his swing, setting into a march.

I was dragged all the way home, almost slipping on the ground constantly.

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