Free in Forever

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I quietly entered the apartment and closed the door behind me, carefully slipping out of my coat and boots before turning to walk to the living room. Tonight had been the first night I had been out in months ever since Haneul came into the world, and Sunghoon had been kind enough to offer nanny services for the first time. Even if I was very doubtful about it, not that I trusted him but he had just been very busy lately.

"Love?" I carefully called out as I stepped into the living room before widening my eyes at the mess.

Mildly said it looked like a hoard of football fans had been through the kitchen and out in the living room. At least three of Haneul's bottles laid around on the floor, along with her toys and some of her clothes.

"What in the world..." I muttered before my eyes trailed over to the couch and my face immediately softened as a small smile grew on my face.

Sunghoon was laying weirdly on the couch, one leg up against the wall as the other hung over the edge of the couch, his neck craned in a weird way. But he still had both his hands on Haneul, who laid on her stomach on his chest. Haneul was sleeping soundly as her mouth was slightly agape due to her cheek being squished against Sunghoon's chest. Even Sunghoon was sound asleep as one of Haneul's bottles was threatening to fall out of his left hand.

"Well... at least they're both asleep," I muttered and walked over beside the couch.

I carefully bent down and grabbed the falling bottle from Sunghoon's hand before carefully lifting up Haneul as well. It was like it was a trigger for Sunghoon or something that the weight on his chest had disappeared. He immediately sat up straight and looked around with wide eyes.

"Get to bed Sunghoon," I softly muttered and brushed his hair out of his face.

"No, no, no, I can do this," he urged and reached up and grabbed Haneul from me, "I can do this... I promised nanny services."

"Sungho-" I started and he immediately shook his head as he stood up from the couch, "but you need sleep."

"I will once I've put this little angel to sleep," he excused and pressed a kiss to my forehead, "get in bed, I'll be there soon, okay?"

"Sunghoon, you need sleep," I pointed out and he just shook his head before walking down towards where Haneul's crib was.

"I'm not Sunghoon, I am Love," he corrected making me let out a small laugh as he quickly rushed back and grabbed the bottle I still had in my hands, "I'm just taking this so you can go to bed."

I let out a small sigh before going down to the bathroom and getting ready for bed before I went to Haneul's crib. Sunghoon stood silently looking down at Haneul, making me walk up and hug him from behind.

"What are you thinking?" I muttered into his shoulder as I looked down at the sleeping girl.

"Nothing... I'm just happy," he excused as he looked down at me with a wide smile, "just happy."

"Is that so?" I hummed and he immediately nodded at me.

"She's beautiful," he commented and looked back down at the girl, "already has the same attitude as her mom, but that can be corrected."

"Yah," I complained and softly hit his shoulder, making a small chuckle escape Sunghoon as he looked down at me.

"Go to bed... I'll set up the baby alarm and be there in less than five minutes," he assured and I just nodded at him.

I softly pressed a kiss to his shoulder before slowly letting go of him and walking into the bedroom, right beside the nursery. I quietly got under the duvet and patiently waited for the warmth in the bed to come.

Soon enough the warmth did come when Sunghoon walked back in with the baby alarm in one hand as he softly caressed my hair with the other before he walked over to his side of the bed.

"Did you have fun?" he softly questioned and got under the duvet as well before turning on his side and wrapping an arm around my waist to pull me closer.

"It was nice to finally be out and about again... even if it was just for one night," I nodded at him.

"You really deserved it," he hummed at me, "I began to realize how exhausted you were... so I'm taking all the times tonight."

"You're busy lately Sunghoon," I shook my head at him.

"And you're still an university student..." he softly reminded before lifting his hand and softly tracing a finger under each of my eyes, "you think I haven't seen the bags under your eyes... you aren't even asleep when I fall asleep anymore..."

"I need to catch up on what I missed," I excused making him just quietly shake his head.

"You need to take care of yourself... you're gonna end up ruining your body if you don't look after it," he softly reminded, "and right now your body needs all the attention and love it needs. Please take care of yourself."

"This is why you offered nanny services, isn't it?" I questioned with a small laugh.

"And because you deserved some time off," he shook his head at me, "take care of yourself, okay? I worry because I'm not with you every single moment of the day anymore, so I don't know how well you take care of yourself."

"Sunghoon..." I called out making him look back up to me as his hand fell back on my waist again. I smiled softly before leaning in and pecking his lips, "I got control of this."

"Okay," he whispered and just nodded at me, "let's just sleep..."

"Thank you for taking care of Haneul," I muttered and he just nodded before softly pushing my waist, making me turn over on my back.

"Come on... let's sleep," he whispered and I sighed before turning my back to him. 

Sunghoon immediately pulled me closer against him and pressed a kiss behind my ears as he laid his hand on my stomach.

"I love you," he quietly whispered making me interlace my fingers with his hand that laid on my stomach.

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