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I eyed Sunghoon as we were driving home from practice. All day he has seemed... weird. More than usual. He was all silent and distant, which was quite unusual for him to be.

Once the car pulled up in front of the house I watched as Heeseung and Sunoo rushed inside, meanwhile I was quick to grab onto Sunghoon's jacket.

"What?" he turned to me in confussion.

"We're talking later tonight," I stated and he hesitantly nodded with a small frown.

"Did I... Did I do something?" he questioned and I simply shook my head before patting his back and pushing him with me inside.

The rest of the evening was planned out along with our showering schedule. Everyone did things so that they could rush to the bathroom the moment it was their turn to shower. I was lucky enough that I always was the first one to shower, since my hair took the longest to dry.

"Okay, I'm done now. Are you alright?" Sunghoon spoke as he dried his hair and walked into the bedroom, where I sat in my bunk and read in my book.

"I'm fine, come," I waved him up making him hum before he crawled up in my bed and sat beside me. I sighed before throwing my duvet over his legs, making him let out a small laugh before grabbing my hand in his.

"Are you sure you're alright?" he questioned and I hummed before looking around the room. None of the other boys were in here.

"You've seemed weird today," I stated making him raise his eyebrows at me, "all silent and distant. So... tell me, what's been on your mind all day?"

"Just thinking," he shrugged.

"Yeah, I knew that. But about what?" I questioned.

Sunghoon let out a sigh before pushing my head down to lay on his shoulder, before he began playing with my fingers, staying silent for a while. Eventually he did pull in a deep breath, bracing himself to say whatever it is.

"I want to go public," he stated and I was about to lift my head before he pushed it down once more, "before you say something, hear me out."

"Okay," I muttered at him.

"The reason I want to go public is because... well, there's a lot of reasons," he let out a small laugh, "but... when you have to go to England for that last courtday, I want to be with you. I just... I'm scared of all the rumours and such that will spread if they realize it's just the two of us. I want to confirm all rumours already. I just want to go out, yell it to the world. Then I would be able to just sit beside you in lives and hold your hand, keep an arm around you whenever we go to crowded places. Be allowed to stand beside you when we do shows. I just want... I don't want to date in secret. I want everyone to know that I got you, and no one else but me."

"Can I say something now?" I questioned and he hummed, "you know we aren't allowed to."

"I know," he sighed and dropped his head down again, making me able to see his features from where my head laid on his shoulders, "all because of this mess with your age."

"Mhm," I hummed at him.

"That is the only thing that makes us unable to go public," he sighed, "because you're a minor and I'm not anymore... people won't know about our private life, and if anyone feels offended that we're dating they could sue me for it."

"They will not sue you," I let out a small laugh making him crack a small smile, "they could, but they won't... you drama queen."

"I'm not a drama queen," he muttered.

"With that comment, you are," I nodded at him with a small laugh.

"Okay... maybe they won't sue me," he admitted with a small laugh, "but they definitely won't be happy with a minor dating an adult... even if there's only like four months between us."

"This aging system is honestly... excuse my language, bullshit," I commented, "had it been like it is... in literally the rest of the world, nearly, I would be legal in like a month, and then it won't be a problem."

"So what you're suggesting is go to a country where you soon would be legal, go public there and then return," he stated making me let out a laugh along with him.

"I don't think that's how it works," I shook my head at him.

"Ah... dammit," he hissed with a small smile before just moving his head so he could look down at me.

"What?" I questioned as his ears slowly turned a pink color.

"You know... you're really pretty when you smile like that," he commented and tugged my hair over behind my ear.

"Ah... stop it, I'm gonna turn red," I complained and lifted my free hand up to cover my cheeks.

"Even prettier," he cooed at me making me sigh before slowly sliding down and lifting my duvet up over my head to hide myself, "yah, where are you going?" Sunghoon let out a laugh before I could feel him slide down beside me as well, slowly peeking under the duvet, "Hana? Why are you reacting like this?"

"Because you made me feel flustered," I whined at him as he just laughed once more.

"Why's that a problem?" he cooed out to me.

"Because I love you and I can't handle this," I quietly muttered making it go silent.

"Sorry, you what now?" he questioned making me sigh.

"I love you! Okay?" I stated before letting out a small whine of embarrasment and covered my face with my hands.

It was completely silent before I could feel the duvet get pulled away from my face.

"Hana?" Sunghoon called out and I just hummed, "look at me."

"No," I immediately shook my head.

"Hana~" he cooed out and I felt him grab my wrists and pull my hands from my face. I immediately turned my head away from him, "yah... look at me," he cooed and turned my head to look at him.

"No, I'm embarrassed," I whined closing my eyes before I could make eyecontact with him.

"Ah, why are you so difficult?" Sunghoon sighed at me, making me just close my eyes even tighter.

In a split second a pair of soft lips had been placed on mine, making me freeze before slowly melting under the sensation. So soft lips. Even though it was just a few seconds it lasted it felt like an eternity, and I wanted to kiss him for an eternity more. But as he pulled away, I opened my eyes immediately wanting to pull him back in for a kiss.

"Will you listen to me now?" Sunghoon questioned and placed his forehead against mine, making me hesitantly nod as I just fell into his deep brown eyes, "I love you too."

"You do?" I questioned and he let out a small laugh before placing a kiss on each of my cheeks before placing one on on my lips.

"That I do."

Catch Me (P.Sh) [Sequel]Where stories live. Discover now