A Proper Epilogue

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Long in the future

A loud wail echoed out, making me let out a small groan as I lifted my head from my pillow. I squinted around the dark bedroom before hearing a loud wail once again and I immediately let out a deep sigh.

"I'll go check," Sunghoon muttered before pushing himself up in a sitting position and just sat and stared for a good ten seconds before shaking his head lightly and actually gettinng out of the bed, "I'll be back in a moment," he assured and quickly bent down to place a kiss on my forehead.

I watched as his back disappeared out the door and I let my eyes fall closed again, as I tried to fall asleep. It didn't last long before I began shivering and pulled my knees up to my chest as I tried to keep myself warm.

When I finally got enough of how cold the bed suddenly was I managed to push myself up and off the bed. I dragged my feet into the nursery on the other side of the hallway, and my eyes immediately fell on Sunghoon. Sleeping in the chair in the corner.

The small baby girl in his lap sat and played with the fabric of his shirt making me let out a soft smile as I walked over and picked her up from Sunghoon's lap, making him stir awake immediately and rub his hands over his face.

"Go to bed Hoon," I stated and pressed a kiss to his cheek, "I'll take care of it."

"No, no, no," he assured and grabbed the girl from my arms, "I'll take care of it. It's my turn."

"Hoon, you're tired. Go back to bed, I'll take care of her," I assured as he simply shook his head.

"I can do this. I'm a good dad," he stated making me let out a small laugh of disbelief.

"Of course you are, but you're not cut for getting up in the middle of the night," I chuckled at him.

"Yeah I am," he insisted, "go back and sleep Love, I'll be back in a moment."

"I can't sleep," I shook my head and sat down on the floor and leaned my chin on his knee as I watched the girl in his lap, sit and continue playing with his shirt, "it's too cold."

"Ah..." he nodded at me before looking down at the girl in his lap beginning to try and get her to sleep, "please just sleep pumpkin," Sunghoon mutered down to her.

"She likes when you sing to her," I reminded making him glance over at me and back down at the girl in his arms.

"She does?" he questioned as the girl began doing grabbing motions out for him, making him give her his hand.

"Yeah," I hummed, "the other day when you were singing around the house she sat in a small trance before she fell asleep."

"I should try singing a lullaby then," Sunghoon realized and looked down at the small girl with an admiring smile.

"Try it," I hummed at him.

Sunghoon did not even hesitate before beginning to softly sing a lullaby down towards the small girl. Slowly her eyes drooped and fell close making me smile at how she was soundly sleeping as Sunghoon continued to sit and sing for her, running his thumb over her cheek once in a while.

"Sleep tight pumpkin," he cooed and softly kissed her cheek before standing up with her in his arms and walked back to her crib.

"Told you it would work," I hummed as I stood up and walked over beside him, standing up on my toes as I looked over his shoulder and down at the sleeping girl.

"She's so pretty," Sunghoon commented in awe.

"She is, isn't she?" I sighed at him, "must've gotten it from her dad."

"No, no, no," he immediately shook his head, "no doubt her mom."

"Oh? Who's that? Have you been cheating on me?" I questioned making him let out a small laugh at me.

"I think if one of us weren't the parent it would be me," he softly reminded, "as far as I recall it was you that was in labour. Don't you remember?"

"Oddly enough, I don't do," I shook my head at him making his eyes lit up as he looked down at me.

"So you wouldn't mind another one?" he questioned with an eager expression.

"When we've had a full night of proper sleep," I hummed and patted his shoulder before he carefully placed the baby girl down in her crib.

"Next time I want another girl," he stated as he turned around and placed his hands on my waist.

"You don't get to decide the gender," I reminded him with a small laugh.

"I don't care," he shrugged, "or if it was a boy they could figure skate together."

"Uhm... no... she's clearly and aerial artist," I pointed out to him making him gasp before pulling me out of the room so we wouldn't wake her up.

"Take that back," he stated and I simply shook my head.

"I'm speaking the truth," I confidently stated.

"She is clearly a figure skater," he insisted.

"What is her name again?" I questioned him with a small smirk.

"Haneul," he calmly replied.

"And that means sky... what's in the sky? An aerial artist," I reminded him making him let out a small sigh.

"Okay, but the next one we're naming Yuri, so she can be a figure skater," he stated making me let out a small laugh.

"If they want to," I reminded him and he immediately nodded at me.

"Now lets get you to bed," he stated and brushed my hair out of my face to press a kiss to my forehead.

He carefully tugged me with him into the bedroom where we both got back under the covers. He immediately moved over and wrapped his arm around my waist from behind and pressed another kiss behind my ear.

"I really hope we can get another one," he stated and I hummed before reaching down and lacing my fingers with his that was resting on my stomach, "but I don't want to pressure you to it."

"We'll look at it later, okay?" I questioned and he hummed, "I just really need a full night's sleep."

"I know," he hummed, "but you're such a good mom. There's no one better for Haneul than you."

"She's a daddy's girl," I reminded him and he just hummed.

"But I'm not home that much," he reminded, "she has to be a mommy's girl to a certain point then."

"She misses you when you're gone, you know?" I spoke up making him hum as he began rubbing his thumb in circles on my stomach.

"She does?" he questioned and I nodded at him.

"When I let her sit on the floor she always crawl over to your shoes in the hallway or grab your hoodie you always throw on the couch," I hummed at him, "she knows it's your things."

"I'll try and get some more time off," he assured making me let out a small hum.

"It's fine. As long as you spend all your time with her when you get home," I assured.

"What about you? You need my attention as well," he reminded.

"But she needs you more. If you don't spend enough time with her at this age you won't have a bond when she grows up," I reminded him, "I'll do just fine with some lack of affection for some time."

"But I want to give you affection," he muttered making me let out a small laugh.

"When we put Haneul to bed," I hummed at him, "then you can."



"I love you."

"I love you too."

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