Edin's Last Concert

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Watching the boys run around and happily perform to the fans, singing and rapping their hearts out on stage. I just couldn't leave... and I knew that. It just felt wrong. I finished singing my part, sitting still on my stool before waving out to some happy fans that was near the part of the stage where I was seated.

"You good?" Sunghoon rushed up to me with a wide grin on his face as I pulled out my earpiece, waving him down to me, "what?" he questioned and placed his head beside mine, so it was easier to hear each other.

"I can't do this," I stated making him pull back with widened eyes as I just shook my head at him.

"Hana..." he sternly spoke as he leaned back down beside my head, "you know you have to. They can't keep finding loose clothes that hides it. It's not healthy for you to keep working."

"How can I just leave this?" I complained at him and gestured out to the boys who all happily stood further down the stage.

"Don't worry, you're not leaving for good," he reminded and pressed a kiss to my forehead making the nearby fans scream even louder, "try and enjoy it while it lasts."

"I hummed before watching him run off to the boys again as I placed my earpiece into my ear again.

As the last song ended I stood up and walked down to the boys, that all stood on the extended stage, and lined up along with them. The boys all began saying their thanks before I pulled out my earpiece and looked around.

"And... then... Edin will finish off," Jay sighed and looked to me as the fans began cheering.

"Shh," I hushed into my microphone and held a finger up to my lips making it go completely silent.

"I'm still impressed you can get them to do that," Jake laughed as I excitedly laughed at him before letting out a small sigh.

"I don't know how to start this off," I admitted, "uhm... all of you that is here today are actually attending... a very special Enhypen concert."

"That's right," Heeseung nodded in agreement.

"Because... ah... usually it is the company that comes with these kind of news, but I wanted so badly to tell you myself, to clear any misunderstanding right on the spot," I sighed and took in a deep breath before looking to Jungwon who just gave me a small thumbs up, "even the leader is getting impatient," I let out a small laugh and gestured down to Jungwon.

"I'm just excited to hear the reaction," he excused and pulled out one earpiece as well making me let out a small laugh.

"The case is that..." I took in a deep breath, "I was going to go on a momentarily hiatus because... because... I can't say it," I gasped and lifted my hand to my mouth.

"No, no, come on," Niki excitedly shook my shoulder, "say it!"

"Well... I was going away for some months because... because I'm pregnant," I revealed and a loud united gasp erupted through the stadium making me look over to Jungwon who looked shocked.

"Ah, I had expected for them to be freaking out," Jungwon complained making me let out a small laugh at me.

"But uhm... the case is," I sighed as I hesitantly looked down, "hold on," I excused and pinched down into the corner of my eyes, "I haven't even told the boys yet."

"What?" Sunoo questioned before I felt someone grab my hand and intertwine our fingers. I immediately knew it was Sunghoon.

"Yeah," I chuckled before lifting my head and running my hand through my hair, "the thing is. I spoke with our manager and Bang PD earlier and... I won't actually be going on a hiatus," I revealed making the boys all frown at me.

"I told you it's best to rest for some ti-" Sunghoon leaned down to my ear and I simply shook my head making him immediately stop.

"And... I won't be going on hiatus, because they agreed with me that it would be best for me to retire from Enhypen," I admitted, "so... as of the end of this concert I will no longer be a part of Enhypen."

"Noona... no..." Jungwon shook his head down at me as I just nodded at him.

"I am officially leaving Enhypen and the entertainment industry as of tonight," I revealed, "Belift has been kind enough to pay me as if I will be on maternity leave for the last few months up to the birth and then... sometime in the near future I hope to be able to study at a university. I'll make sure to have the boys assure you that I'm still alive and well. The decision was simply that it wouldn't be fair to me, the boys, you or... well... the little one... that I would continue in the group."

"You're not actually serious," Jake stated and I looked over to see him teary eyed.

I smiled sadly at him before reaching my arm over and bringing him into my side as he just stared at me in disbelief.

"This is just some cruel prank, right?" he questioned and I shook my head making him drop his head and close his eyes tightly.

"I'm so incredibly sorry for revealing it like this. But I hope... I hope that you'll all continue supporting the group, and I want to apologize in advance that I will be stealing Hoon for some time within the coming year. I promise to send him back to work fast as possible," I quickly assured.

"Yeah, no... that's up to me," Sunghoon shook his head.

"Woah... okay... uhm..." Jungwon slowly trailed off before quickly fanning his eyes, "I think... I think we'll say thank you for tonight. And we love you~"

We all quickly bowed to the fans before the lights went out and we began walking back out backstage. The whole way I felt completely and utterly terrible for telling the boys in the way I did, but I had had no way to tell them earlier. It was first decided today, and they didn't have time to hear what I had to say earlier.

We had barely even gotten back to our waiting room before Jake had turned right back around and begun crying into my shoulder as he hugged me tightly.

"Not so tight, Jake," I muttered and patted his back.

"Sorry, I forgot," he muttered before pulling back and wiping his eyes, "so you really are leaving?"

"Just the group," I assured him with a small smile, "doesn't mean I won't tag along and watch practices or be backstage at shows."

"This is what you wanted to say earlier, when we didn't have time?" Jungwon questioned and I nodded at him as Jake dragged his feet away from me and Niki rushed up to hug me too.

The boys would from then on take turns to come up to me and give me a small hug before Sunghoon eventually had pylled me to the side of the room.

"This was what you meant when you said you couldn't just leave it behind?" he questioned and I immediately nodded at him, "I hate to admit it, but I think it was the right decision... and completely my fault."

"It's not your fault," I shook my head at him.

"Ahem... whose baby is that then?" he questioned and poked my small baby bump, "I do believe it is my fault, unless you have something to tell me?"

"Okay, then it's your fault," I shrugged at him making him let out a small smile before pressing a kiss to my forehead.

"Lets stay in tomorrow," he stated making me look at him in confusion.

"No work?" I questioned making him let out a small laugh.

"The day after a concert is always a day off," he grinned, "I thought you would've learned by now."

"Oh yeah..." I muttered.

"So lets stay in... watch movies and all those cutesy and nice things."

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