chapter three

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     The days passed quickly and despite the mountain of a workload, Kalia found herself with far too much free time. Her time had mostly been spent staring aimlessly at the fire or at her copy of Alice in Wonderland. There was never any true rime or reason behind anything she did when she was not doing schoolwork. She simply wanted to fill her time.

     But when she realised how truly bored she was, she decided that she might as well go to her special place. Her hidden place that she was sure no other student knew existed. Hogwarts was massive and there were many classrooms that were simply forgotten and Kalia had found one. A quiet place where she didn't have to fear being watched.

     Pushing the door open, Kalia stepped into the classroom. A layer of dust had collected over the summer but with a wave of her wand, it was gone. It looked as good as new and Kalia pushed the door shut. She crossed the room and dipped down to her knees, opening the stiff cupboard doors where the various painting supplies were hidden away.

     Her watercolours, her pad of paper, her brushes and a glass. She grabbed them and kicked the door shut as she chose a seat. She decided to take the one furthest from the door. It kept her hidden despite knowing that nobody would come in and it was right by the window. The view from the grounds was beautiful and she watched as the whomping willow swayed in the autumn wind.

     But she didn't let herself get distracted, her gaze moved down to the paper and she grabbed the led pencil. Tapping the end of it against the paper, she debated over what to draw. Her mind going through a thousand scenarios and possibilities before she decided on something. It was going to be a night-scape and she decided to draw inspiration from the full moon.

     Those nights were always the prettiest so she began to sketch it out. The forest floor, the full moon high in the sky, the trees looming overhead. A deer in the centre of the frame, shadows of animals behind the deer. Once she was happy with the scratch, she grabbed her water colours, paintbrushes and her glass.

     "Aguamenti," She said, filling her glass with water. She then placed her wand down and dipped her paintbrush into the water. Kalia was quick to get to work, her paintbrush moving between the colours. The water quickly becoming brown as the minutes passed on. The painting slowly becoming more complete. The blues, purples, grays and whites filled the paper as she worked deftly, quickly.

     Kalia only had limited time in her safe place, she didn't want it to be discovered which meant her time in the area was sparse. A few hours, weeks apart and then nothing, leaving it to collect dust for the holidays before she returned. She hated not being able to stay for most of the time but she risked being caught and being caught is much worse.

     The bell rung loudly overhead and Kalia barely noticed it. It was merely part of the white-noise but in a few seconds it hit her. Her eyes widened and she nearly knocked over her glass with her quick movements. Her hand grabbed her wand and she muttered a spell to dry the painting. It was half-finished, white covering most of the space still but it was a start.

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