chapter twelve

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( A SECRET.. )

     The morning post was something Kalia often dreaded and paired with the fact that she had forgotten to write to her parents at all, she knew something bad was going to happen. Especially with Rabastan and Regulus watching her like a hawk. She was constantly being stared at and she began to wonder whether or not she would receive a letter of warning from her parents.

     But those thoughts were quickly quashed when she noticed her family owl swooping into the great hall. She was halfway through her bowl of cereal when the owl came swooping down. Dropping the letter precariously on the edge of her bowl. Kalia scooped it up quickly and stared down at her. Contemplating it.

     She flipped it over and her family seal was pressed over the opening. It was certainly from her parents but she didn't know if opening it in the Great Hall was the best idea. Then again opening it away from the Great Hall would only make it worse. When people walked away with mail, it made people talk. Kalia didn't need people talking about her. She needed peace and quiet. She needed some calm in her life. She needed to be with Remus who she had eventually decided that she did love. It was the only explanation.

     Kalia pushed those thoughts to the back of her mind quickly though since she needed to read the letter. It was better to read it now then grow anxious with worry over what could possibly be inside it. She knew that it would be fine and if it was going to be anything bad, it would be a howler not a simple letter. So, she read.

'Dear Kalia,

Since you did not have the courtesy to write to us. Your father and I decided we will instead extend a letter to you. We hope that your next letter will explain your actions for this past school term because from what I have heard from Rabastan and Regulus, it has not been what we would have expected from you. You are our youngest daughter and we expect you to listen to us just as your sister did before you. We understand you may feel out of place due to your misplacement of house but you are still apart of this family and the reputation must be upheld.

Now I will kindly lay out what I would like for you to explain so when I receive your letter, I am happy with what you have told me. I have many questions but as I'm sure you are now aware, Sirius Black ran away from home on Christmas Day. A very odd occurrence and conveniently well timed after the Lestrange Ball where you and Sirius snook off. I never questioned you while you were still home because I believed that my daughter was a trustworthy and gracious young woman. It turns out I must be mistaken and if your behaviour does not change, I will be happy to rectify it once you have returned home to me.

Now, besides Sirius, Regulus and Rabastan have told me that you have been incredibly rude to them despite the fact that they are simply trying to help you. You have a reputation to uphold, my dearest daughter, and they are simply helping you upkeep this reputation. The accusations they have sent my way are rather grave and incredibly harmful. Fraternising with the enemy is not what we want to see so some simple explanation for why you are speaking to the Gryffindors despite Emmeline's and my own clear instruction will suffice.

SOMEONE, remus lupin ✔Where stories live. Discover now