chapter seven

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     When Kalia got to her Defense Against the Dark Arts class the next week, she was not pleased to what she walked into. It seemed that her teacher had decided to give them a classroom shake-up and everyone had moved seats. This meant that Kalia was thrown into a completely different seat. Rather than being sat next to a friendly Hufflepuff, she was now sat next to... Remus Lupin.

     In reality, she had no objections to the new place but at the same time she had many objections to the seating. She wasn't supposed to be talking to him or his friends for one and it would only making concentrating in that class worse. It was already ridiculously difficult considering Remus, Sirius and James were all in that class. Clearly a mistake on the administrator who decided on timetables part.

     It wasn't inherently annoying but on days like the one Kalia was currently having, it was the worst thing. The boys all whispered and caused trouble among their classmates. Which did nothing to help the auditory overload she got when she was having a bad day. It seemed her day had gone from bad to worse and Kalia wasn't sure if it could get any worse.

     Once she was sat down, she began to take her ink, quill, textbook and parchment all out of her satchel but she quickly discovered her ink had leaked everywhere. Ruining both the edges of her textbook and leaving her with no ink for the lesson. A soft huff of annoyance escaped her lips as she lifted her inky fingers from the bag.

     Kalia stared down at them with a frown on her lips. She didn't even looked annoyed, just done and Remus understood exactly how she felt. So, he leant down into his own satchel and procured his spare ink pot. He placed it in front of her and he smiled at her. Kalia was taken aback by the gesture and just about managed and awkward smile in return.

     "Miss Selwyn, is there a problem with your ink?" Their professor asked. Kalia quickly realised that half the class was staring at her. She cleared her throat and shook her head, grabbing her wand. She muttered a few spells and tapped her satchel and then her hands, the ink disappeared from her bag but simply dried on her skin - she needed to scrub it later. This left her clear of the ink and her bag relatively clean.

     Her textbook was considerably less well-off but she couldn't really do anything with that. So she dried it with a spell and just began to flick through it. The lesson quickly got on track and Kalia found her ability to concentrate impaired. The voices and whispering were somehow worse and she decided ten minutes in that she wasn't even going to try and concentrate. It was a futile task especially with Remus sat next to her.

     Instead, she just sat with her head rested in her hands as she stared off at the board aimlessly. She didn't even bother to try and sneak glances at Remus. He was sat next to her now so it would be impossible without being obvious. Remus - on the other hand - didn't seem to care about whether he was obvious. He just kept looking at her, admiring her face.

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