chapter eighteen

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     Kalia wasn't sure when the tears stopped but they eventually did. Her sobs turned into breathing regularly and the tears eventually stopped flowing. She had missed the feast, the curfew was going to set in any minute now. She knew it but she didn't care. Instead, she found herself wondering the castle. Taking one step after another and letting her body take her wherever it wanted to go. She didn't really know what else to do.

     She didn't want to go to her dorm. The cuts were still there, she had managed to clean them up with some tissue from the girls toilets but she hadn't healed them. She didn't know how to heal them really. The spells were somewhere in her mind but to some extent, she wanted to feel the pain. Maybe it would ground her. That's what she thought but she didn't really know anything.

     But as she wondered around, her hands in the pockets of her cloak, she didn't notice Rabastan. She didn't notice the Slytherin until he had her shoved against the wall. Her body collided with the wall and she let out a soft 'oof' in response. The speed winding her before she looked up and met his gaze. He still looked just as handsome as he always did. She hated that she found him so attractive.

     "You and Sirius really need to stop talking. I know he visited you in the hospital wing. Did the Howler not get to you?" Rabastan asked. His words harsh and for the first time, Kalia realised how angry he looked. Bitter almost and she gently nibbled on her bottom lip. The tears were staining her cheeks but he didn't seem to care.

     "You cannot control who talks to me, Rabastan," Kalia said, gently shoving back. He was surprised by this but it barely moved him. He was practically rock solid and that somehow made it worse. Her glare faltered and she quickly tried to gather her courage back, "You are not my father. You are not my husband. You are just a boy who is younger than me. You cannot control me like this," She said, shoving him again. This time it was harder and he stumbled. But it didn't have the desired effect. Instead, it made him chuckle.

     He stepped closer to her and shoved her against the alcove wall once again. His hand moved to grip her throat. Kalia stared up at him, not even sure what to do, what to think. Nobody outside of her family had ever done this. Her throat already felt tight. She was unsure and just had no idea what to think or do. Her gaze quickly turning fearful as she swallowed thickly.

     "I may not be your husband but I warn you. Going against me will end badly for everyone involved," He said, whispering the last part in her ear. Kalia whimpered softly, pulling away from him or trying to. It was impossible, she was trapped between his arms. Completely unable to escape as he pushed his body against her. Kalia opened her mouth to say something but he was quick to cover her mouth, shaking his head.

     "No, no, no. Kalia, darling, you don't get to say a thing. Keep quiet, okay? I need to tell you what is going to happen?" He said softly. His voice was so soft and Kalia fell right under his spell. He smiled softly and his hand gripped her throat just that little bit tighter. He wanted to see the fear in her eyes and it was quick to flare up when she realised how dangerous this situation was. He could kill her if he wanted to, "Now, I will be writing to your parents about your insubordination. Sneaking out after curfew, fraternising with an obvious blood traitor. I can't keep that from them but I will neglect to include that you are an animagus. I know how much them finding out scares you. I don't want to scare you. I want to protect you, darling," Rabastan said. His words soothed Kalia completely. Kalia didn't know why but all she wanted to do was apologise and thank him. He was helping her and she didn't even care that he was currently pressing his hand against her throat and choking her. It hurt now but she tried to focus on his words. Breathing heavily now as she listened to his hypnotising voice.

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