chapter eleven

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     Kalia was walking through Hogsmeade alone. She had left Nancy a few minutes early to wander around and try and find Remus. Their time to meet-up was in around ten minutes but she was hoping to catch him just before then. She wanted them to be together for as long as possible if she was entirely honestly. Spending the time with him is all she wanted and it's all she had been looking forward too all week. She didn't care about what anyone said or saw anymore. She just wanted to be around him and with him.

     Kalia spotted Remus across the way. He was talking to James, Sirius and Peter. The corners of his lips were pulled up and he laughed at a joke Sirius made. Kalia catching his gaze, she gave him a curt wave and Remus turned back to his friends. He spoke to them for a moment before he dipped away, bee-lining for the blonde.

     "I was going to come to you in a minute. Sirius just wanted to explain something," Remus quickly tried to excuse himself but Kalia shook her head. She took his hand and squeezed it softly before realising that it was an odd gesture. She dropped his hand and let them hang by her side as she looked up at him.

     "It is fine, Remus. I was going to wait but I wanted to spend time with you. You are free to go back if Sirius has something important to say," Kalia said as she looked up at him. Remus glanced back at his friends that had already walked towards the Three Broomsticks. He shrugged and decided against going back. He didn't see the point now.

     "I'm sure if it's that important, he'll tell me later. How are you?" He asked as he glanced around the area. Kalia glanced down at her feet sheepishly before she met his gaze. Her lips curling into a smile, her heart thumping against her ribcage.

     "I am wonderful. I hope you are too. I have no idea what we are supposed to do now though," She said softly. Remus chuckled and grabbed her hand. The freezing cold temperature of her skin contrasting his warm skin. He didn't let it bother him and instead, pulled her away from the fork in the road.

     "Come on. I'll take you to Honeydukes," He said, the pair then began to wonder down the street. Kalia was quickly getting used to the feeling of Remus' hand in her own. Something she hadn't expected to like but it was so nice. Just the touch of their skin sent tingles up her spine and his hand was so warm. It made her want to snuggle up to him.

     "Do you visit Honeydukes often? My parents hate sweets," Kalia said as they wandered through the bustling crowds. The town was much busier than it was when they ran through it on the full moon. Hogwarts students bustling around now, coming in and out of shops constantly. Kalia just hoped that she could get lost in the crowd so that if Rabastan or Regulus had gone to Hogsmeade, they wouldn't report back to her parents about this date.

     "They hate sweets?" Remus asked and Kalia nodded. Her parents were a sore spot but she just had to keep up a brave face. Remus was just her friend that she was pretty sure she was in love with. Nothing more, just a friend who she was going on a date with. Someone she shouldn't even be around but constantly wanted to be around, "Please don't tell me you've been deprived of the luxury of chocolate?" He asked as he looked down at her. His eyes brightened at the mention of the sweet, the pair getting to the door of Honeydukes. The whole store was crowded - as always - but Remus expertly guided them. Weaving through to a quiet corner where they could survey some of the sweets.

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