chapter eight

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     The exams went over smoothly for Kalia and she left Hogwarts feeling good about the days to come. She usually hated returning home but knowing now that she was going to be around Sirius made it feel a little better. Sirius was arrogant and idiotic but he at least understood her unlike the rest of her family. He was a nice reprieve from the pure-blood politicking she usually had to endure. She could have normal conversations with him rather than just discussions of her future. The future she couldn't even decide.

     But once Kalia returned home, she realised how rigid her break would be. Now that she had a date for the ball and had to be prepared to look good, her days were rigorously scheduled. The freedom she once had was lost and she was forced to spend most of her time in dress fittings or reading with Mother. Sometimes she even went over etiquette, something she had learnt years ago. Kalia felt like she had travelled back to the Victorian era and was being taught to be a proper lady. She didn't know why she had to be re-taught any of this but she quickly realised that her mother was likely doing this so she could be set-up at the ball. Maybe even set up with Sirius.

     Something Kalia knew they would both hate more than anything in the world. They both wanted to be free but Sirius was allowed to do that a little more than Kalia was. Kalia was doomed to be a house-wife, Sirius could leave his family and be fine in the world. Kalia never would be, she would be forced into a marriage and never able to leave.

     "She said lift your arms up, Kalia. Pay attention, stupid girl," Mother hissed at Kalia. The platinum blonde had been lost in thoughts of her future and not even realised that she had to lift her arms up again. Kalia was quick to follow the instruction and felt the dress be tightened once again. Her mother tutting as she walked around Kalia, surveying her.

     "I apologise," Kalia muttered, wanting to try and clear the tension in the air. That didn't happen, somehow it only got worse and Kalia tried not to let it bother her. She could see her mother watching her with a scrutinising glare. Muttering to the seamstress before the woman went back to adjusting Kalia's dress. It was nearly ready now. They were just making last minute adjustments before it would be ready for the ball. Kalia couldn't help but feel insecure. She had been poked and prodded with needles for a week continuously.

     "We're going to have to reduce what you are eating. They feed you too well at Hogwarts," Mother commented as she walked over to Kalia. She then stood up on the podium and took a hold of Kalia's arms. She then began to maneveour them so she could get a good look at them. Mother frowned and let her hands drop before she moved her hand to Kalia's stomach. She then pushed it in and Kalia sucked in her stomach. There was no fat to suck in but Mother still scrutinised.

     "I haven't gained weight, mother. I weighed myself when I returned. I am the same," Kalia attempted to argue but Mother just chuckled darkly. She then took a hold of Kalia's face, her fingers digging into the skin on her face.

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