chapter twenty-five

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     As the days passed and the full moon came, Kalia noticed more whispers than usual around her. It didn't bother her, not really. She was used to people watching her and whispering about what had happened. The public humiliation had been something that she had gotten used to but it didn't stop her from being curious. Everyone seemed to be so much louder but at the same time, Kalia didn't notice or care to notice. She was free.

     Regulus and Rabastan hadn't even tried to approach her and that was a nice change. Kalia could focus on herself and her relationship with Remus and the boys. Ella had seemingly taken a liking to Kalia and the blonde was glad. They weren't close but she at least felt accepted by the group.

     But for now, Kalia was keeping most of their interaction together to the classroom and the full moon. The full moon that Kalia was about to go out into. It had been a quiet day and Remus hadn't been suffering as heavily due to the potion they made so when Kalia walked into the shrieking shack, as a deer, the screams of pain made her heart sink.

     Kalia's heart clenched and she walked up the stairs. Remus was still human for now but Kalia watched in horror as he twisted and writhed in pain. His hands grasping at everything as the boy she loved turned into the werewolf she was so familiar with. The boys had already transformed now and were outside.

     But Kalia wasn't aware so she watched as Remus climbed to his feet. His head lifted and it seemed he smelt something. His gaze then locked with Kalia's. The connection between them feeling almost palpable as she approached the werewolf. Remus leant forward and his nose touched against Kalia's. The feeling of happiness bubbling inside her as she stared into those almost human eyes. It was strange but Kalia tried not to let it bother her.

     It took the deer a moment but she eventually turned around and galloped out of the door. Remus bounding behind her and she suddenly turned. Taking the werewolf by surprise and Kalia laughed. The boys hearing it through the bond. Sirius watched her with a curious expression even in his dog form.

     "I didn't think love would make him so docile. I tried to read up on it and there's nothing," James commented as he walked past the two. Kalia turned her head to him, surprised that he would do any extra reading. James just knew if he was human, he would have sent her a smirk as he walked away.

     "Prongs does reading outside of the curriculum? Is Ella turning you into a nerd?" Sirius teased as he walked past the group. Remus was running around Kalia in circles and the blonde was bursting with happiness. Deciding to entertain him and go bounding through the woods. Not before hearing the end of the conversation mind.

     "Oh piss off. We've known each other since we were kids," James said. Kalia then began to run around with Remus following behind her. The other boys eventually joined and they spent all the time they could running around. The games turned into finding a clearing and Remus collapsed down. He seemed exhausted and curled up next to Kalia who had taken a seat. Kalia watched him for a moment before looking to the boys and they were all staring at her. Even Peter's beady rat eyes were on her and Kalia wasn't sure what to do with herself.

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