chapter four

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     Ancient Runes quickly became a subject that Kalia dreaded. Not because of the teacher or the content, none of that. She was perfectly fine with the subject but as the lessons went on, it became harder to concentrate. Instead, she found herself constantly staring at the back of Remus' head. It was stupid really, she had told herself that she wasn't going to talk to him but that just made her want to be around him more.

     There was more than once that Professor Landon had caught her out when she wasn't paying attention. It was getting embarrassing and Kalia had no idea how to stop herself. She didn't even understand why she was doing it. She just enjoyed watching him but now, as the full moon approached, she realised that he would not be as friendly when the moon was high in the sky.

     Not that she was even going to go out on the full moon. She had decided that she was going to go out the day before. That meant that she wouldn't feel the need to and she didn't run the risk of running into the boys. She wouldn't want to confirm Sirius' suspicions especially considering that he was grilling her over it every History of Magic lesson. It was getting exhausting.

     But if she stayed inside on the full moon, she could be free from the suspicion. She could just fall asleep and pretend that the full moon wasn't happening. She didn't have to listen to Remus' screams from the Shrieking Shack. She would instead hear them in her increasingly more frequent nightmares. Kalia wasn't entirely sure where they had come from either but with the anxiety of talking to Sirius most days of the week, her nightmares had come back full force.

     Kalia managed to get through most nights but it still left her exhausted. Exhausted and needing an outlet. An outlet that came in the form of running around as an animagus. The full moon was approaching now and Remus had looked increasingly weaker as the days went on. Kalia knew that she had to go outside tonight or wait until after the full moon. Something that currently did not feel like an option.

     She had gone through another round of grilling from Sirius not a few hours earlier and she was on high alert. Aware that her nightmares would come back full force. The anxiety and worry about what would happen when she went home clawing to the front of her mind in her blissful peace. So rather than letting the nightmares come, she got ready to go out.

     The dorm was quiet, the girls had fallen asleep and Kalia pulled her pyjamas off. She silently redressed into her clothes and grabbed her cloak. She pulled it around her shoulder and took a deep breath, straightening everything out. But that moment before leaving was when someone woke up. Kalia heard the curtains move and glanced back to see Nancy looking at her.

     "What are you doing?" Nancy whispered softly as she watched Kalia. Kalia stepped closer to her and knelt down. Keeping her voice low so that she didn't wake up any more of the dorm-mates. She didn't feel like explaining anything to Amelia.

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