chapter six

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( HE KNOWS... )

     The month dragged on for Kalia. Between her reduced time outside as an animagus and constant anxieties about the Marauders, she was sure time had purposefully slowed for her. The Marauders had intermittently tried to talk to her but she tried her best to brush them off. She tried to pretend like they didn't exist and weren't around her but she couldn't stop getting butterflies when she looked at Remus.

      Something about him just made Kalia fall more. Their time sat next to each other the previous year meant she knew more about his personality and then their interaction on the full moon just seemed to set it in stone. Kalia felt something for the boy and it scared her to death. It was not something she experienced and she didn't even know what it was. She hadn't told anyone but it scared her. It worried her. It caused her even more anxiety and somehow brought on more nightmares.

     These nightmares - however - were much worse than her parents simply finding out and hurting her. No, these nightmares had morphed into nightmares of Remus being hurt. Of people finding out that he was a werewolf and myriad of other horrific scenarios that her mind had dreamt up over the past four weeks. It was exhausting caring so much for a boy that she barely spoke to and wasn't supposed to speak to but it still happened.

     It was getting worse and Kalia found herself pulling away from what she was. She hoped that if she spent more time in the library and less around the castle, she couldn't be harassed by the boys. But she was wrong, though most of the time they just watched her, it was just as bad. In fact it was worse considering Remus spent most of his time in the library which meant that she found herself staying there.

     Watching him over her book as she tried to study. She needed to keep herself out of the spotlight and ignoring the boys - who were considerably more popular than her - and keeping her head down was the key to that. Her family's reputation was on the line and people were beginning to notice the Marauders fascination with the Ravenclaw girl. It was exhausting.

     As Kalia flicked through her textbook one dreary Monday night, Sirius came over to her. He had a charming smile on his face as he pulled out a chair and sat next to her. Leaning forward on the desk, he began to aimlessly flick through her notes. A soft hum escaping his lips as he looked them over. Kalia watched him over the top of her book but didn't say a word. She didn't want to converse with him.

     "Are you gonna keep watching me silently like you do with Remus or tell me why you didn't go out on the full moon? You usually do," Sirius asked, his gaze turning to her. His voice was low, barely louder than a whisper. She hated that they were talking about this here. She wanted to leave but she knew that she couldn't.

     "I went out on the last full moon. That's it. That was an accident anyway. Your stupid unvanishable slime prank ensured I couldn't leave the previous night," Kalia bit back. She flicked her gaze back to the text book. Checking over what she had read. She was trying her best to memorise the potion spell but it would definitely be impossible now that Sirius was here and decided to ruin her evening.

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