chapter one

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     The morning sun was rising in the distance as a deer walked through the woods. Her head lifting as she looked around, taking in her surrounding. Kalia - who had transformed into her animagus - had been out for most of the night, roaming and walking around the dark forests. It was a bad idea in a way but she had enough experience with it now. She was older than when she first learnt to do it. Not that her parents knew, she didn't dare tell them. That's why she had to run around in the night.

     But now with the rising sun, she needed to get home and get back to bed. Otherwise there would be questions that she couldn't answer and consequences that she didn't want to face. She lifted her head high, looking around before she ran through the woods. Her hoofs stamping against the forest floor as she ran towards the tree line.

     The manor she lived in looming above her the closer she got. The pristine brick building was looming and the chimney was puffing out smoke already. The household was awake and she had to be careful. She galloped towards the path and transformed back to herself. Kalia pushed her fingers through her platinum blonde locks and took a deep breath. She adjusted her coat and then walked up towards the back porch.

     It was a large stone porch filled with various chairs and tables and seats. The autumn - however - was coming which meant they would soon be filed away. Their guests wouldn't want to enjoy the outside anymore. They would be sitting in the formal dining room or living room. Not outside. Kalia was just glad that she would be back at Hogwarts and wouldn't have to deal with any pureblood politics once she was there. Being a Ravenclaw had it's perks in a Slytherin-dominated family.

     "Kalia!" A voice hissed and Kalia looked around. Her aunt - Emmeline - was stood at the french doors that led into the informal living room. She was dressed in her clothes for the day and a frown was etched across her harsh features. Her platinum blonde hair contrasting her black eyes that were filled with annoyance.

     "Yes?" Kalia asked as she approached. Her footsteps were delicate and precise as she stepped up to meet her aunt who ushered her inside. Kalia just allowed it, letting her face form into neutrality as Emmeline pushed her towards the sofa.

     Kalia sat down, the sofa swallowing her as Emmeline shoved a cup of tea into her hand. Kalia took it and just watched her, unsure why she was acting this way. Kalia and Emmeline had always been close, sharing opposing views to the rest of the family. She usually allowed Kalia to do as she pleased but she did not seem pleased this morning. She was being pushy.

     "You are going to Hogwarts today. Your mother wants to speak to you," Emmeline said harshly, giving her a look, "You should not have been outside," She added. Kalia tensed up at the reminder of her mother and nodded formally. She then sat up straight and held the tea as perfectly as she had been taught. She lifted it to her lips and took a sip, making sure not to slurp. Her mother would have every issue with that.

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