chapter twenty-six

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The night was quiet as the young couple strolled beneath the crescent moon. Remus had his hands intertwined with Kalia's soft delicate ones. Her skin looked somehow paler in the moonlight but Remus was still take aback by her beauty. Kalia tried not to let his constant gaze bother her but it made her feel just a little bit insecure. There was no real reason really.

But after a moment, she stopped under the shadow of some trees. She gently pulled him down so they were both sat down. Her back against the tree as Remus rested against her side. The blonde let out a long sigh and turned her face in. Resting her forehead against his elbow.

"Do you know how everyone found out?" Kalia asked curiously before she reached out for one of his hands. Pulling it into her lap as she began to play with his fingers. Her own fingertips running across them before she pulled it up to her lips. She pressed a soft kiss to his knuckles before she pulled her knees up to her chest.

"I think someone overheard us in the Potions classroom. I thought I heard somebody leaving but I wasn't sure," Remus said softly as he adjusted their position so he could stroke her hair more easily. Kalia nodded and swallowed the lump in her throat. It wasn't something to really be upset over because it was just the truth. Yet every part of her wished it was still just her that knew. That it was just a small fact that she could come to terms with solely on her own. She couldn't and it felt like it was going to destroy her.

She didn't even realise she had started crying until Remus was cupping her face and watching her with those worried eyes. Her cold skin warm against him and Kalia sniffled. Wiping her nose with the sleeve of his cardigan. She didn't realise how disgusting her action was until it was already done and she frantically tried to wipe the snot away. Remus reaching out and taking her wrist carefully.

"It's okay. It's your cardigan now anyway," He said softly as he let her hands rest in his lap. Kalia nodded but still felt ashamed. Her head falling as her gaze flicked to the ground. The green grass was now nearly blue in colour as she gently ran her fingers through it.

"I wanted to tell you but this is what I was scared of happening," Kalia admitted. Remus frowned and lifted her chin up, resting his forehead against hers. His hands cupping her cheeks, enveloping her in him. He was hoping that it would help calm her down to some extent.

"I know. I don't want to force you to do anything, Lia. I love you and I know that you have boundaries that I need to respect," Remus assured her. Their breath mingling together as she kept his face close to her. Kalia let out a soft sigh of relief and let her eyes close. Her arms wrapping around him fully and nuzzling her nose against the soft skin of his neck.

"Thank you. You are perfect," She said softly. Then she pressed a soft kiss to his throat, squeezing her eyes shut and waiting for him to push her back. Push back like she had with Rabastan but Remus just smiled. He nuzzled his nose into her hair and the two turned to cuddling once again.

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