chapter thirteen

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      The few days leading up to the date - for Kalia - had been filled with more anxiety than anything she had ever experienced. She didn't know why she was so worried about the date. It was going to be secret, secluded, away from people but it still seemed like they were going to be watched. The feeling of being watched had been constant and there was no way it was letting up for her time with Remus, she was sure it would be worse.

     But she was still stood in the hallway leading towards the Entrance Hall, dressed up in her nice clothes. A long-sleeved blue jumper and black pants with high-top shoes. It was simple but covered up everything she didn't like being seeing. She thought she looked cute but that didn't make her any less nervous to see Remus.

     Her stomach twisted in anxiety and she debated whether to walk the few steps to the Hall. Debated whether they should go outside in the January air to go on the small picnic. It was a very sunny January day the day they had picked. Kalia knew it was luck but she also felt like it was a sign. A sign to go outside and enjoy herself but Kalia couldn't.

     So, instead of going to Remus and going outside. She walked over, grabbed his arm and began to drag him to her special place. A place that only him, Sirius and her knew about. It was a place where she knew they wouldn't and couldn't be observed. They would be protected from the prying eyes of Regulus and Rabastan. Kalia could finally relax in there with him.

     Remus was confused but allowed Kalia to do as she pleased. He watched as she used her wand to clear the chairs and tables to one side. Then she seemed to a spell that made the room brighter. Remus wasn't sure what spell but he didn't entirely mind. Kalia then turned to him and took the basket from his hand. She placed it down and grabbed his hands.

     "I apologise for bringing us here. I am worried that someone will see but only three people know about this. You, me and Sirius," She smiled and Remus nodded. He understood her reasoning, squeezing her hands before he pulled back. He then grabbed the picnic blanket from the basket and placed it on the floor of the room. Kalia smiled as she looked at him and the two took a seat.

     Remus dragged the picnic basket to the middle and opened it. Various sweet treats and pastries were nestled inside and Kalia grinned. Clearly he remembered their conversations. It was heartwarming so she was quick to start eating. A smile on her face as the conversation started. It began with the classroom and where she had found it. It was something she had discovered by accident when she was trying to escape Amelia in her third year. From then on, she had decided it would be her secret place.

     The conversation then turned to what it's like being a Ravenclaw and sharing their experiences of each house. It wasn't anything entirely different, both houses worked in similar ways since all houses had the same basic foundations. But the experiences were always slightly different. There were always different expectations and Remus found it interesting to hear about her experience.

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