chapter twenty-eight

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( A NEW HOME.. )

     The party wasn't really going to start for another thirty minutes but with everything going on and the end of term getting closer, Kalia needed to know how they were going to get her items back. She was determined now and nothing Sirius would say was going to deter her. They were her things and nothing her family could say would take that from her.

     So, when she knocked on the door to their dorm, she prayed that it was just Sirius. To her surprise, it was. He opened the door, a cocky smirk on his lips when he saw Kalia. He invited her in and she glanced around the room. Taking it in properly this time. Though the mess was cleaned up slightly, it still looked awful.

     If Mother had been there, Kalia was sure she would have thrown a fit. But she didn't judge the room too heavily, instead refocusing her gaze on Sirius. Kalia moved towards Remus' bed but still stood awkwardly, not entirely sure how to start the conversation. So she cleared her throat and opened her mouth.

     "I... We need to find a way to get those items from the manor," Kalia said, stuttering over her words before speaking confidently. Sirius sighed but nodded his head. He took his place sat by the foot of his bed and grabbed the fire-whiskey from underneath. He also grabbed two glasses and poured some for her.

     She eyed it with suspicion before taking it and sitting down across from him, "I think the apparation idea would work as long as you're not scared of being splinched if something goes wrong," Sirius said. Kalia grimaced at the thought and tapped her nails against the glass. Her eyebrows pulling together.

     "I have a fireplace in my bedroom. I think it is connected to the floo network. Could we possible use that?" Kalia asked, lifting the glass to her lips. But the second she got a whiff of the alcohol, she moved it down. Letting the bottom rest against her thigh. Sirius took a drink of his own whiskey and shrugged.

     "I suppose that could work. Would your pa- family thought to have block that mode of transport?" He asked. Kalia stared down at her glass for a movement, swirling the liquid as she debated over it. Only a few times had she ever used the floo network and none of them were in her home.

     "I do not think they would have. They prefer apparation," Kalia responded. Sirius nodded and then downed the rest of his drink. He slid his hand under the bed and pulled out a bar of her favourite chocolate. He chucked it her way and she managed to catch it without spilling her drink. Which was an achievement considering how precariously close the glass was to spilling over.

     A grin spread across her lips at the candy and she placed her fire-whiskey down, peeling the wrapping from the back of the chocolate. She then opened it up and broke a piece off, placing it into her mouth. She had never been so happy to have a piece of chocolate in her life and as she chewed, she realised that Sirius was watching her.

SOMEONE, remus lupin ✔Where stories live. Discover now