chapter twenty-four

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     Days felt better without worrying what her parents thought. Kalia found herself free from the constant desperate want to be perfect. Though it was still there to some extent, her drive to do well in her classes never truly left but it was less so. She did not feel the need to make Mother and Father proud. Instead, she wanted to do something for herself.

     She wanted to be better for herself and that was the most freeing feeling in the world. It left her able to actual do what she wanted. Even if Rabastan had approached her, he knew something was different. The second he saw that she had removed her family ring. He just knew that it was not Kalia there any longer. He knew it had lost. That made Kalia grin and she ignored him whenever she saw him. Regulus was harder to ignore but he didn't approach her. Just watched silently and curiously.

     But that didn't matter. Not when she could hide away in lessons with Remus sat by her side. The two had finally came back together and Kalia was happy to be sat next to him. Most of the time she couldn't wait for the lessons and they made her grin. They made her feel alive and there was nothing else she would rather do than be with him. Her perfect werewolf boy.

     So, as they sat in Defence against the Dark Arts and made their notes, they talked. It was mainly soft-spoken words and mutters of encouragement or questions but as the lesson went on. More was said and Kalia found herself completely and utterly in love with Remus Lupin once again.

     "I went to his apartment and there were boxes everywhere. Up to the ceiling and he walked right into this pile. It was only his clothes but the look of pure devastation on his face was a sight," Remus grinned as he glanced back at Sirius. He had been talking openly to James most of the time. They were supposed to be making the notes and scribbling down answers to questions but as always, James and Sirius got distracted.

     "I can only imagine. I do hope he has cleaned up a little before I get there. Otherwise, there will be problems," Kalia chuckled, only half-joking as she glanced at the boy. Remus shrugged annd let his hand slide into hers. Intertwining their fingers. Kalia grinned wider as she looked up at him and quirked her eyebrow.

     "Nobody is looking. Regulus and Rabastan aren't in here," He shrugged. Kalia chuckled and looked back down at her work. She couldn't help but smile. It was impossible when she was around Remus. Caution always seemed to be thrown to the wide when she was around him. She loved him too much for her own good and sometimes, she just let herself be in danger.

     "This is a dangerous game," She muttered as she began to write again. Her quill now in her left hand and she continued to write flawlessly. Remus went back to his work too as he hummed. A cheeky smile on his lips, "We should meet somewhere where I can actually kiss you without worrying," Kalia added, glancing over at him. Remus nodded and placed his quill down.

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