Chapter 36

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Dear Reeva,

A date for Reira's surjury has been set. The doctor is trying to walk myself and yor husband through the process, but neither of us really understands. All we know is that if this works, she will be able to function like she used to before the accident. But we are still worried about the probability of this working. The doctor has set the date for this coming Friday, and I don't how to feel. Really I wish you could be here for Reira. It just feels like if you were near by, she would just know it, and it wouldgive her more of a fighting chance.

The doctor is very certain that she has no idea who any of us are. And I believe him. But the way she acts sometimes, I feel like she knows me, Choji, Alsono even. She likes it when I comb her hair and hold her hand. but what she really likes is when Alsono Makes noises. It's almost like she's a two year old, reacting to sound and touch in these young and innocent ways. Ino came in the other day and brought her a flower. She took it and immeadiatly started touching the petals.

The doctor was right. The world is new to her.

I hope... I hope my next letter will bring good news.


Reira screamed in choked and gurgled way as her eyes rolled back in her head and her body shook. "Hold her down!" The doctor yelled. I was though. She's just stronger than I remember. The thrashing was tossing me off every time she bucked upward. Finally I had a good hold on either side of her and used the rest of my body to hold her down. Alsono held her head in place now and Choji was restraining her legs. "Reira, can you hear me? I need you to look at the light. Focus on this light." He held a small light above her. But she wasn't focusing on anything.

Her eyes kept darting here and there and those horrid moans spilled from her throat. The doctor continued to talk to her and try to talk her out of this attack. But he wasn't reaching her. "Reira." My voice slipped through before I could stop it. "Reira, listen to me, okay? There is a light in front of your eyes. Look at the light for me. Reira, please. Look at the light." Those beautiful blue eyes darted around, but skimmed the light.

They looked at the light, darted around, looked at the light a little longer. This kept going, me pleading with her the entire time until she looked at the light and stayed there. Slowly her choking and moaning subsided, as did the shaking and thrashing, until finally she was left looking wide eyed at the light and heavily panting. The doctor left the light on for her to look at for a while longer and then turned it off with a sigh.

"This isn't good, guys. Those seizures mean she's trying to connect things in her mind again. If she does manages to get anywhere in that process before tomorrow there will be no helping her."

"What should we do to prevent that then?" Alsono asked, worry evident in her voice.

The doctor looked down like he was dreading telling us his plan. And when he lifted his gaze... it landed on me with an apologetic look. Oh no... No, no don't you dare. Don't you dare! His lips started moving and the dispare in me grew with every sylable. I promised her! I promised... but now... "We have to isolate her."

Alsono and Choji looked at me in concern as I sat in the chair next to the bed and put my head in my hands. Al's long fingers gently touched my shoulder. "Shikamaru, it's okay. It won't even be for a full day. You fulfiled your promise... Reira will understand."

"Come with us to Al's house for today. You need a break anyway." Choji mirrored.

I know they're right. I've been with her for over a week here, using the showers here and taking small bites of Reira's food while feeding her. I've been sleeping in this chair. I know I need a break. But I feel like if I leave her... I might never see her again. Reira watched me, as she usually does. I was so focused on her eyes... that when I felt her hand touch mine I was surprised. For someone who supposedly doesn't understand what's going on, she sure does know how to help.

My hand brought her fingers to my lips. Don't worry... That's what her gesture meant. She'll be here tomorrow... I'll come back and she will be ready for her surgery and everything will be alright. I know this. I can feel it. Her vacant eyes continued to watch me as her hand moved down from my lips and cupped my cheek. This small gesture grabbed at my heart in a way I never thought possible.

Stealing myself, I stood with her hand in mine and leand down to kiss her head. "I'll come back. I promise, you're not alone." And with that, I let go of her hand.

In Sickness And Health ~Shikamaru~Where stories live. Discover now