Chapter 9

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So this is what happens when you get captured by a rebel group and thrown in an ice cold hole in the ground. The big guy in the group starts yelling at you in a very strange and complicated language, a little girl brings you a tray of noodle soup and hot chocolate, a dog licks your face awake, and the same big guy from earlier takes you from your hole to present you to his leader. Fantastic, I know.

People watched in fascination as he lead me by the arm down the hall. The hole place was a dim color and freezing cold. Pretty joyless but then again... I don't care. All of the people wore the red of the rebels and whispered to each other with eyes on us. Great. Don't these people have, you know, lives?

We stopped in front of a large worn out wooden door, big guy taking an old fashioned key from his pocket and turning it in the lock. The room beyond was colder than the hall had been, somewhat small, but busy. It was filled with mainly women, running around dressed in long red dresses with clip boards and stressed out expressions. But there was one woman who stood in one place, signing things as the women passed by, talking to three of four women at the same time, dressed in white.

Reeva, the leader of the rebel army, was standing right in front of me. Her red hair was down, tickling the back of her knees and curling at the very end. Those blue eyes that seemed so familiar, flicked up to meet mine. But almost instantly they were filled with anger.

"What the hell is he doing here, Kunis!" She yelled, and the big man flinched.

"Well, ma'am, he-"

"How many times have I said no prisoners?! We are not that kind of rebel army!"

"I just thought-"


"Man you're loud."

Every single person in that room grew dead silent and turned to look at me. As bord as I was, it's no surprise that Reeva dropped her surprised look and turned a glare on me, thinking I was being some form of an asshole. Go ahead and glare lady. I live with my mom and sister. She approached me, and I became aware of a large white bandage on her arm. So I did hit her.

Reeva looked me up and down and walked around me. My hands were in my pockets and I began to droop, wanting to lay down somewhere. Man this is a drag. She came to a stop in front of me and snapped her fingers. "Saiko."

"Yes?" A short woman in red with features similar to hers stepped forward.

"Take everyone out of here. I would like to speak to our... guest in private."

"Yes ma'am. Come on, you heard her!" In a matter of seconds she had ushered everyone out of the room, leaving only Reeva and myself. I looked passively into her eyes. Where have I seen these eyes before?

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Well, your crony decided it was a good idea to hit me in the head and kidnap me. Horrible timing too, I was supposed to go home today."

Reeva made a humming noise and walked around me again. "You fain boredom but when you say home there's a glint in your eyes. Someone there you miss perhaps?"

"You care?"

She stopped in front of me again. "No not really." I watched as she began her circular pacing. "When I asked here, I meant the land of snow. By the emblem on your band I see you are from the village hidden in the leaves. Far cry from this place."

"Hired to learn more about you and take you down." Reeva grinned at me.

"Sounds like something that chickenshit would do. He can't even take care of his own problems." She walked to an old fashioned chair and sat with crossed legs and an amused expression. "So, learning more about me." Her familiar blue eyes twinkled. Where have I seen them... wait. "What exactly have you gathered?

Her blues eyes... ice colored and deep, almost empty of thoughts, giving nothing away. Her eyes remind me of Reira's. Reira... wait... she said something the day before I left... I had asked her where her parents were. Her mom is far away from the leaf... helping her aunt... what had she said about her when they were outside? Fire like hair, very pretty... and the same eyes as her! Could it be possible?


Is it possible? Should I try? What if my feeling is right? What if this woman...?

"Come on. Don't be shy."

It's worth a shot. "I know that your real name is Reeva Sumakoro, and that you have a daughter named Reira." 

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