Chapter 17

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Reira was sitting on her bed and looking into her hand mirror when I went to pick her up the next day. I remember seeing her like that one other time, the first time I took her to Alsono's house. There was something about the way she looked at herself in the mirror, like she was concentraiting hard on something. At first she didn't even realize I had walked in the room. Which was odd, considering her rapid recovery process. It's only been a few months...

There was something about those deep blue eyes... They still seemed strangely vacent. I wonder if she's really getting any better or not. Her doctor is insisting on running a few tests on Monday, but what will he find? That's what I've been concerned about. What would he find? What goes on in her head? And why do I care? Perhaps... Alsono was on to something.

Soon, Reira noticed me and turnned a smile in my direction. I gave a small smile in return. That smile always makes me happy. "Ready to go?" I asked. She nodded and grabbed my hand as she stood from her bed. That small touch though... for some reason it made my face warm. Why? I've held Reira before, touched her hand before.

... We had never talked about the kiss. I glanced down at Reira while we walked. Her face has more expression lately, more joy. But her eyes still wonder and look around with curiosity. I remember now what she was like before the accident. She reminded me a little of Naruto with how energetic and ready for anything she seemed. It's amazing that's how she used to be, considering how quiet and calm she is now. But then again, maybe the accident did that.

I seriously lose track of my own thoughts, no wonder Ino never understands me. I had been thinking about the kiss. We never talked about it, but it happened, and I want to know what it meant. Because I think... Damn you Alsono and your thoughts.

"You're parents are... nice aren't they?" Reira asked in a small voice. She was worried about that when I introduced her to Choji and them too I remember.

"Well... I guess. My Mom's a little weird and Dad doesn't really seem to care much, but beyond that I guess you could call them nice."

She looked down, a worried expression playing across her features. "Do you think that... they will... like me?"

"I don't see why they wouldn't."

Her next words... I never expected them and they made my blood turn to ice. "Because I'm slow..." Because I'm slow... Because I'm slow... Those words knocked around in my head and I stopped, pulling her to a stop as well. I gave her a serious look and held her arms.

"Don't talk like that, Reira. That is no reason not to like you."


I didn't think for the second time that week, and let my body react the way it wanted to. Soon, I had enveloped Reira in my arms, holding her tight and safe against me. "I don't want you thinking like that." I gently whispered. She nodded silently and accepted the embrace, leaning into me more. It wasn't to long before I let her go, but not entirly. I gazed down at her and gently moved a piece of her black hair behind her ear, letting my hand rest on her cheek for a moment.

Something sparked in those eyes of hers, something I couldn't place. And suddenly... I wanted to kiss her. Slowly, I leaned my head down, getting closer and closer to her lips. She began to close her eyes and I followed. But just as our lips were about to touch, my brain activity sent up a warning flag. Why am I doing this? Why do I want this? What is this anyway? Reira...

I kissed her forehead at the last moment. The look on her face brought a small pain to my heart, adding to my minds confusion and unrest. "Come on, Mom will flip her lid if we're late."

The rest of the walk was quiet, but considering we were close to home when we stopped it didn't have the chance really to become awkward. The minute we walked in the door, Mom went nuts with Reira. She was like a current Alsono almost, only weirder. She asked her questions, but never gave her a moment to answer. My Dad watched her with a look of confusion. "Well..."

I only sighed and followed them into the kitchen. What a pain... Reira sat next to me at the table and silently ate her rice while my Mom talked. It feels like Al's house... only the food is bad. But Reira only looked like she was half paying attention to my Mom. Was she still upset about earlier?

"Oh, I'm sorry dear, I haven't let you talk at all. How's the food?"

Reira gave her a sweet smile. "It's good. Thank you... for having me... over tonight."

My Mom's eyes grew wide as she heard Reira's speech pattern for the first time. My Dad as well paused for a minute and gave me a sideways glance. I nodded, telling him it's normal. Seeming to ignore her speech, Mom continued to talk to Reira and listen as she spoke about different things, normally what we do together. She talked about our walk around town yesterday and the snowcones, as well as our many visits to Al's place.

My Mom actually laughed at a few of the stories and Reira visibly relaxed. Once dinner was over, I took Reira back to my room, hoping to not have to hear my Mom babble on and on. She does not know when to shut up sometimes. Reira looked around my room with curiousity. I keep it fairly clean, theres not much in the sense of decoration, but I like it like that. In the center of the room was my shogi board, ready for a new game. I feel like I haven't played in forever.

Reira looked down at the board and I could see something playing in her eyes as she looked. The memory of her playing those logic games at Al's house surfaced. She's increadibly smart. I took a seat at one end of the board and motioned for her to take the other end. She did and soon our game progressed. Coming with it a conversation that was both enlightening and heartrendering.

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