Chapter 50 ~End~

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"It's hot today." Reira said as she leaned back on her hands. The wind caught her hair and blew it back a bit. She's as beautiful as the day I met her. The sun light glittered off her pale skin and black hair like she was made of glass.

"Yeah, a little."

She reached down to where I was laying and raked her nails across my hair. I was born to be a cat. My eyes slowly closed as I enjoyed the feeling of her fingers on my hair and the sound of the small good luck wind chime my mom had given us.

In all... it's been four years since the drama. Since then, Reira and I decided to move in together. I also finally asked her to marry me and we have been married for almost a full year now. It's been... to be honest it's been fantastic. Most days, we lay out on the veranda like now together and enjoy the good weather.  It's been like an ever lasting stress reliever. Not like work has been stressful. But they make me get up. And I love being right here, next to my wife, her hand in my hair, like nothing in the world can touch us.

"Can we do another round?" Reira asked, looking down at me with a wide smile.

"Again?" She nodded. "Fine. You start."


"No. To stern. Mayu."

"I don't like it. Sara."

"... Maybe. Chidori."

"Hm. Maybe." This is a game we play now. I looked over to see Reira lovingly caressing her swollen stomach. We learned last week that we are expecting a girl, so now we play this game where we say a possible name for her and give it a yes, no, or maybe. We have two names in the yes pile, and quite a few maybes. In the yes pool, Yukari and Kagura. Were waiting for that one name that we just look at each other and say 'that's it. that's the name of our baby'.

I sat up and put my hand over her stomach from behind, kissing her cheek as I cozied up. It seems like having a baby so soon in our marriage is moving fast, but we waited so long to get married that we honestly feel ready for this step. It's a little late to decide not to anyway.

It's a day off for both of us, so it's a designated lazy. As the day wares on though, we move into the house for dinner. At the table, we play another round of our name game.


"Nooooo. Sawako."

"I'm having trouble believing that name came out of your mouth." Reira laughed a little, her hand over her mouth.

"Whatever. Your turn." I honestly enjoy the game sometimes. Sometimes, I don't want us to decide on a name.


"Maybe, that's kind of cute. Akane."

"Not a fan. Ahana."

We started on a big A name kick. By the time we were laying in bed together, Reira was getting frustrated with the game. "Just get some sleep, we'll play again in the morning." I held her close against me and smoothed down her hair, something I knew would sooth her and at the very least, make her drowsy. But she was to frustrated.

"I can feel it... the name is right there."

But she didn't say anything more as I continued to run my hand down her hair over and over again. She nuzzled her nose in my neck and finally seemed to start to drift off. But then... "Aya."

What? I looked down at her with wide eyes. "Aya."

"Aya!" We both said. We both broke out in great grins. That's it. That's the name of our baby. I gently kissed her lips, happier than I had been since learning about her pregnancy. Our daughter. Aya. I can't wait to meet you sweet daughter. Your mother and I... I wonder sometimes wonder how it is I have so much love for someone I have yet to meet.

With everything Rei and I have been through together, our story has so much yet to give, and everyday is a whole new adventure. And now, we will have someone else to share it with. "I love you Reira." I whispered into my sleepy wifes ear.

She pushed in closer to me. "I love you too Shikamaru." This is bliss. And I can't wait for the next day to come.

~Hey everyone! I'm really happy that you seemed to enjoy the book since you're at the end. I'd like to take the time to ask you to join my patreon page to stay updated on new stories coming out and to possibly offer support. Find me under funnygaaragirl or Aya Kyung. Thank you for reading!~

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